As has been VERY well-documented at this point, Peter Weber once had a ton of fun with Hannah Brown in a windmill.
Conversely, after maybe the most controversial premiere in The Bachelor history, this pilot headed into Monday night's episode not having an enjoyable time at all.
And it was also thanks to Hannah Brown.

On Monday’s evening, right off the proverbial bat, viewers finally got to witness the second half of Peter and Hannah's emotional sit-down... which picked up with Hannah admitting she wasn’t sure she “made the right decision” when she sent Peter home on The Bachelorette.
“I just want someone to want me as bad as I want them,” Weber told his ex-lover, adding:
“And you telling me that you have feelings still, and that you made mistakes, I want to hear that and I want to believe that.”
Hannah didn't know how to proceed (why not just read the script, right?!?), although the two came very close to kissing while she sat on the sofa in silence.
“I can’t do this,” Peter finally said, deciding it was time to get back to his group date.
“I wanted to kiss her, yes,” the Bachelor told the cameras after the intense chat. “That’s what I was feeling. That’s what I wanted to do. I mean, it wasn’t that long ago that we broke up, so I guess it’s okay to feel this way.”
He then confessed:
“I probably didn’t handle this the right way today. I am trying to figure out what the hell my heart wants, and I’m just really scared that I’m not where I need to be for this.”
Unable to process what was going on, and needing time to himself, Peter subsequently canceled his group date.
“This is just really awkward. As you all saw, Hannah was here today, and I went in there and it was kind of emotional,” he told the suitors, explaining:
“I don’t think she was expecting to feel that way. We just had a chat that I think we needed to have, got some stuff off our chest, and I’m really, really sorry, but I don’t think today we can continue with this group date.”
And he continued:
“I’m just not in the right head space right now to just have fun with you guys and enjoy this. I feel horrible because this is not fair to you at all. I still want to meet up later and reconvene and kind of gather myself and try this over again.
"This is tough, because I know you guys know what I had for her was very real. … That’s not just gone away.”
The women sort of understood, but also weren't happy, even when Peter apologized for a second time and said he was trying his best to move on from Hannah.
In the end, the group date rose went to Sydney -- and the next night, the cast got together at the mansion for the second cocktail party and rose ceremony of the season.
With tension over Hannah starting to subside, a new wave of drama washed over the group.
This time, it involved Kelsey, who had been saving a special bottle of champagne from home to enjoy with Peter... and Hannah Ann, who stumbled across the champagne set-up during her time with Peter and decided to open the bubbly.
Yup, welcome to ChampagneGate, folks.

Hannah Ann -- who some folks already hate -- swore it was an honest mistake, insisting there were two separate champagne set-ups and that she had gotten confused.
However, Kelsey refused to believe her, calling Hannah Ann a “f-cking snake” and a “fake bitch.”
Hannah Ann attempted to apologize, but Kelsey wouldn’t back down.
“You know what you did,” Kelsey snapped. “You are fake ,and I know what you did, and it’s f-cked up. I’m not about that. You’re calculated. I’m real, you’re calculated. That’s the difference between us. And I’m over it.”

Once this drama subsided as much as possible, Peter sent home Lauren, Payton and Courtney in the rose ceremony that night.
The following morning, Alexa, MyKenna, Natasha, Deandra, Lexi, Victoria F., Kelsey and Hannah Ann headed out on a group date, which landed them in a Revolve fashion show.
Enter Guest stars Carson Kressley (of original Queer Eye for the Straight Guy fame) and America’s Next Top Model‘s Janice Dickinson, who judged the women’s walks alongside Revolve’s chief brand officer Raissa Gerona.
Yes, this was mostly as sexist as it sounds.
The panel selected Hannah Ann and Victoria F. as their top two, ultimately crowning Hannah Ann the champion, which meant she got to take home over 40 shopping bags filled with Revolve clothes, shoes and accessories.
Nice in-show advertising, everyone!
Later that night, meanwhile, Victoria F. broke down in tears.
“I don’t know if I’m made out for this,” she told him. “I like you, I do, but I just don’t know if it’s worth my mental health. I see you making connections with people who are so different from me. … I just feel like there’s so many other girls here. I don’t know how to catch your attention.”
Added the suitor, crying:
“It’s just hard. This process is so hard. It’s so hard for me to be confident and secure.”
Was Peter able to quell her fears? He did his best.
“I know you’re not like any of the girls here. And it is very endearing to me that this is not easy for you but you’re trying your best, and I see that,” he told her. “You are the type of person that I want to see if I can figure this out with. I do not want you to go. I want you to be here.”
ChampagneGate wasn't over, however, as Hannah Ann accused Kelsey of acting like a bully. She told Peter all about it, too.
“That’s not okay with me, at all,” he replied. “I don’t want to see you hurt. I already feel such a connection with you and I know you have such a beautiful heart. … I’m sorry that you felt bullied, and I’m not going to put up with that.”
As the episde drew to a close, eter chose to give the group date rose to Victoria F. -- and then asked Kelsey to join him for one final talk.
“So it was brought to my attention from Hannah Ann that she feels like you’re bullying her and that you called her a bitch, that you called her a princess, that she’s fake,” he said to her.
“If that is the case, that’s not okay with me.”
“I didn’t have a problem with her until she did what she did, and she knew what she did,” Kelsey responded. “I don’t like her. She knows that.”
Kelsey told Peter that Hannah Ann was “trying to play the victim card,” alleging she “acts a certain way to you and a different way in the house.”
“The word ‘bully’ takes it to the next level,” Kelsey added, bawling. “I’ve been bullied in the past, and there’s a difference between me saying not nice words to her face and constantly bullying somebody.”
And this is where we ended -- with one Hannah making enemies and the other Hannah remaining in limbo.
Will one of them win Peter's heart in the end? Visit our section of The Bachelor spoilers to find out!