
Hey Joe Biden: Cantankerous Old Coot Is Bernie's Lane! (But I See Joe's Still Got the Inappropriate Touching Down Pat)

January 28, 2020

Kaiser is not buying the "Brad and Jen ver 2" bullshit his people are trying to sell. I had no idea that his NOLA charity turned out to be such a mess, did you? - (Celebitchy)

Sarah is not buying the Goopy bullshit they're trying to sell over on The Goop Lab, and she's not mincing her words. - (Lainey)

And the mother of the "Success Kid" meme is not ok with racist-ass racist Iowa Rep. Steve King using her son's image for his fundraising efforts. - (The Root)

Love ice cream but you're vegan or lactose intolerant AND you have a nut allergy? Chill, Ben & Jerry have something for you now, too. - (R29)

I'm glad Kate reminded me of this because I watched this episode last week when it was announced and then I forgot to share it here.

Again, Twitter is not the real world, but sometimes it's like, I wish the real world would take a few cues from Twitter, where Biden is taking lumps from both sides for this video, in which he asked a Democratic voter to vote for someone else and also couldn't seem to keep his hands off of him. Also, cantankerous old coot is Bernie's lane.

Here's what I don't understand: Friends has been off the air for 15 years, in all of that time how or why haven't the actors thought about how they would answer questions about the lack of diversity on the show? - (Dlisted)

Melina Matsoukas - great director, terrible dresser. What even is this? And why? Why even is this? - (GFY)

This, though, is good. This Vuitton ad campaign inspired by vintage book covers is delightful! - (T&L)

If you have kids (or if you yourself) who put their feet up on the dashboard when they're riding in a car, this might change their (or your) mind. Yikes! - (Yahoo)

The Crows Have Eyes 3: The Crowening has a trailer! - (AVC)

Has a new Grumpy Cat (Grumpy Cat 2: The Grumpening) been crowned? - (BP)

New Cannonballer kniki started off the year with a history of her hometown, Brisbane. Pig City by Andrew Stafford explores how the music scene and politics shaped each other and shaped the city. "Beginning in the seventies, the books shows how punk dominated the music scene while the ‘pigs' dominated the punks. (Well, they tried to, anyway...)" What's the most surprising thing you've learned about your hometown? (Cannonball Read 12)

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