
How To Get Free Premium Pornhub For A Decade: Get Jacked Like Kumail Nanjiani

January 29, 2020

Do your moist lions remember THIS?

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I never thought I'd be one of those people who would post a thirsty shirtless, but I've worked way too hard for way too long so here we are. You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. I found out a year ago I was going to be in Marvel's Eternals and decided I wanted to transform how I looked. I would not have been able to do this if I didn't have a full year with the best trainers and nutritionists paid for by the biggest studio in the world. I'm glad I look like this, but I also understand why I never did before. It would have been impossible without these resources and time. So big thanks to @grantrobertsfit who started working with me at the beginning of the year and made me understand true physical pain for months and months. Then, once we started shooting, a massive thanks to @davidhigginslondon and his team (@ellispartridge, @thebeardypt, @tomcheesemanfitness) for training me almost every day and making me strong, limber and injury free. I can almost touch my toes now. (And thank you for forcing me to do cheat meals David.) Matthews Street Catering for their delicious and healthy meals. And finally, the biggest thanks goes to @emilyvgordon for putting up with me complaining and talking about only working out and dieting for the last year. I promise I'll be interesting again some day. #thirstyshirtless (Photo by @markupson.) (edit: I left off one very important person: @lancecallahan who trained me for 6 years and helped me build the foundation I could use to do this. Thank you!)

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Soon after, Pornhub decided to use Nanjiani's new look as the image for their category Muscular Men. Pornhub, marketing geniuses, then got free promotion from the actor when he shared the odd achievement with his Instagram followers.

Nanjiani talked to Conan O'Brien on his TBS talk show last night and revealed that PornHub gifted him with a free ten-year subscription to their Premium porn service. What good is Premium when people sexin' is free on the site?

"They gave me a 10-year free subscription to Pornhub Premium," Nanjiani says. "I will say, because people are like, 'Why do you need to pay for porn?' -- and I don't, I do not work for Pornhub, they have not paid me to say this -- you have access to a whole new world. Free porn is good but when you go to Premium... I could develop fetishes, crazy ones over the next 10 years and I know I'll be taken care of." - via Entertainment Weekly

It's good to know that, unlike Chris Pratt, a jacked Nanjiani isn't in danger of losing his sense of humor. Look for Nanjiani as Kingo when Marvel's The Eternals opens this November.

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