
Terry Crews Fritters Away Years of Goodwill In a Series of Tweets

January 27, 2020

I didn't see much of the Grammys, but I did catch part of Lil Nas X's performance with BTS for "Seoul Town Road." Side note: I adore OtherLainey's fangirling of BTS here. It's just delightful! - (Lainey)

The L.A.P.D. is angry and frustrated that the deaths of Kobe and Gianna Bryant were reported by TMZ before their family and the other families of those on the helicopter were notified -- and I understand and agree with them 100 percent! That said, clearly there is someone or someones who are bought and paid for by Harvey Levin on the police, fire, or EMS departments who are leaking sensitive information and that should be investigated. - (Dlisted)

Speaking of, How Did So Many People Get the Kobe Story So Wrong? - (The Root)

Billy Porter looked very amazing, as expected, at the Grammys, but for real, Ty Hunter, whom I didn't even know about until now, looked phenfreakingomenal. - (Celebitchy)

Well, crap. Now I want this more than anything in the whole world. Sparkly spangly useless shit is my kryptonite. - (Gizmodo)

Kate shared this and I have to agree, "This is spectacular" - (io9)

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Google is whatever, but this ad is SO goddamn good!

Did you see the 2,000-word ad for a nanny that went viral last week? The woman who placed the ad agreed to an interview with Slate. And just because I'm Petty White sometimes, I'm going to add that I don't think she really needs someone with a "University degree or equivalent knowledge," as the ad says - so that people can work out difficult questions like "how long will it take us to drive to the snow if it's 150 miles and we go 50 miles an hour?" And because as she says in the interview, "I'm sure you've read the I Need A Wife article that was in Ms. Magazine in 1971. It's 39 years later, and as a working woman, I need a wife." I think she just needs a calculator. - (Slate)

Terry Crews not only didn't support Gabrielle Union when she called out America's Got Talent for sexism and racism, but he threw her under the bus. When Union responded and Twitter dragged Crews' ass across the Internet, Crews basically sulked and said, "Don't care. My wife loves me. Shut up." - (People)

Trump's legal team is basically all, "Oh, Rudy? Pshaw! He's just a shiny distraction! Not important. The President has only met him, like, two or three times, probably. He brought him coffee one time." - (WashPo)

Oh, cool, because just when you finally get your credit score crap all figured out, now's when they change how it's scored. Cool cool cool. - (R29)

Yeah, yeah, I'm sharing another ad. Whatevah.

Elderberrywine has been a fan of historian Robert Hughes for many years, so she expected his biography of Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes to be good. She did not expect to get a fascinating history of Spain. Goya explored the artist's life and times and what makes him such an important artist. "Walking a thin line between what his royal patrons (and the Spanish Inquisition) wished, and what he wanted to say, he created his unique series of etchings, the Caprichios and later the Desastres." Do you have a favorite artist? (Cannonball Read 12)

Ending today's PL with a different dog post. The fine folks at American Medical Response Ambulance of Springfield, MA, have welcomed a new team member to their ranks: Freddie, VP of Employee Therapy and Snuggles. Because being an EMS worker is hard on your soul sometimes, and a furry face when you return to the station can help calm the spirit when you really need it. Way to go, AMR! Taking care of your community and your employees.

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