First Look at 'Fast 9': Vin Diesel is a Dad and Also, Maybe a Time Traveler?

January 29, 2020

I love the Fast and Furious franchise because frankly it has everything you'd ever need in a movie series. Explosions, car chases, straightforward plots, and Paul Walker who was extremely attractive. I mean, everyone in this movie is hot, and they blow shit up, so what's not to love? (Other than how they did Han dirty....)

With that in mind, it should be no surprise to you that I am very much looking forward to Fast 9, the 9th (although it would be funny if it were the 10th) movie in the installment, and as far as I can tell, does not take place in space.

The Fast Family twitter account recently posted a teaser for the movie, the full trailer drops on Friday.

So, look, the last movie, Fate of the Furious ended with baby-Brian and Vin hanging out at a BBQ with the family, and now, all of a sudden this kid can not only walk, but also, help work on cars?! I'm not a baby expert or a parent by any means, but I do know that babies can't do that, but children can. I mean, sure you can say that time has passed, and that the timeline of the Fast and Furious movies has always been a little wonky, but what if time has passed for everyone in this universe but Dom, and he, is in fact, a time traveler?!

Why do I say this? Well, take a look at the video above. Does it look like Vin Diesel has aged 2-ish years since the last movie??

Exactly. He looks very much the same. Almost as if he found a flux capacitor, installed it into his muscle car, went 88 miles per hour, and bam! Found himself in the future right after the last movie ended. Look, don't act like time travel is out of the realm of possibility. In the last movie, they fought a submarine with their cars and won. Anything can happen in these movies, baby!

So does this mean that F9 could have two Vin Diesels? Yes. Absolutely. Does this mean that with time-traveling introduced into the F&F universe that now they could travel back to the Dark Ages and fight ignorance with their muscle cars? Or maybe rescue some fly honeys from the bubonic plague? F*ck yes, that is exactly what I'm saying--and it's what I'm choosing to believe until I finally see the movie. Don't try to talk me out of it. I'll see you all there opening day.

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