
Is Gerard Butler OK??

January 30, 2020

If you woke up in a cold sweat last night, with a singular thought pulsing through your skull meat: Is Gerard Butler OK? You're not alone. I had that same thought, too. Looks like they're at it again.

Friends, it's a question I ask myself frequently, and not just when their night terrors wake me up. Why? Why not! I like Gerard Butler! I think PS I Love You is very dumb, but very good. Den of Thieves is unintentionally hilarious. The Has Fallen series is one of the best ones we have going right now and one day I'll write about the perfect cross-over movie idea I have for it called Hummingbird Has Fallen which will also be the official sequel to the greatest movie of all time, Con Air. So naturally I am curious whether or not Gerard is doing OK at any given moment. He's a national treasure.

It gives me no happiness to deliver sad news to you that he is not doing OK, so I won't do it. Want to know why? I think he's OK at the moment!

How do I know this? Well, it's based on the lack of news surrounding him, and the minimal social media posts he's made.

For example:

That's a playful post, right? No admissions of anguish or anything? Looks like he's doing OK!

Then there's this Instagram post.

He looks OK there, too, doesn't he?

Friends, I'm happy to say that it is my official opinion that Gerard Butler is in fact, OK, right now. I'll be sure to update you if this status changes in the near future.

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