
'The Circle' but Make it Love: Watch the First Trailer for Netflix's 'Love is Blind'

January 30, 2020

If you're like me and are in withdrawal after The Circle finale (and have checked in to make sure Joey and Shooby were still friends), fear not because Netflix's Love is Blind is here to fill that void. The reality show does seem to function a lot like The Circle, but with romantic relationships. Is love really blind? That's a very loaded question, but Love is Blind is determined for its contestants to find out.

In the first trailer for the reality show, an equal amount of women and men enter secluded rooms to chat up a potential significant other. They'll go on dates and get to know each other, but the only catch is that they can't talk face-to-face at all, so they'll quite literally be falling in love with the other person's personality, gasp! It's only after they're engaged that they'll get to finally see each other.

Since I'm personally over The Bachelor, this looks right up my alley. Getting to know people without having met them face-to-face is a huge part of our social media culture at this point. However, while The Circle contestants at least used profile pics (even if some of them were cat fishing), the Love is Blind contestants are going in with zero information.

Watch the Love is Blind trailer below!

The Netflix series will be hosted by Nick and Vanessa Lachey, whom I forgot actually existed. Again, like The Circle, Love is Blind will air four episodes every week for three weeks beginning February 13. Right before Valentine's Day, how fitting.

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