Yes, January Jones Did Date That Guy From ‘The Bachelor’

January 13, 2020

Remember that time Gwyneth wore the fuchsia, melted-metal-like breastplate? Yeah, you're gonna' forget she ever wore that and only remember Zendaya from now on. - (Lainey)

Celebitchy has a bonus Sussexit podcast (and comparisons of those Katie Holmes pictures are fantastic!) - (Celebitchy)

$10,000 in Popeye's food is almost as good as $10,000 in cash, right? Well, it's better than this woman deserved. - (The Guardian)

January Jones, who is promoting her Netflix series appeared on Dax Shepard's podcast, where she confirmed the rumors that she dated (briefly) that villainous dude from 'The Bachelor.'- (Just Jared)

#OscarsSoWhite started in 2016, but Eddie Murphy was talking about it back in the '80s.

I often find myself thinking, "I wish this water tasted more like jelly beans." No, wait, I've never thought that. But maybe other people have? - (Dlisted)

I've never wanted a baby, but dammit, now I want a baby so I can put taco booties on it! - (HB)

I bet Trump's gonna' wish he had just said he'd met Lev Parnas with Rudy a couple of times instead of shinin' him on. - (The Root)

Gigi Hadid showed up for jury duty in NY and it turns out, she could be seated on Harvey Weinstein's trial. I mean, she probably won't be, but she could be. - (R29)

They're ALL really good dogs, but Patsy saved her sheep. Good girl, Patsy! - (MF)

Also in NY, koalas! - (Scary Mommy)

If I were a religious person, I might start believing Armageddon was coming with the fires in Australia, the earthquakes in Puerto Rico, and now the volcanic eruption in the Philippines. I'm not a religious person, however, but the volcanic eruption did produce some terrifying photographs. - (BP)

What do you remember about the September 11th attacks? In her first Cannonball Read review, esmemoria reviewed Garett M. Graff's The Only Plane in the Sky. She found the meticulous oral history of the day a hard, but worthwhile read. "This book gives both the living and the dead a voice. The author never speaks over these stories." (CannonballRead 12)


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