How Princess Diana Influenced Prince Harry’s Treatment of Meghan Markle

January 25, 2020

Friends, there is no doubt in my mind Prince Harry loves Meghan Markle. A lot. Like, a lot a lot. She found her a good one, and I very much enjoy how much those two have each other's back at all time. Basically, I am team Sussex for life, and I respect the hell out of them fighting back against the shitty press and standing up to his family. Also, I very much enjoy that really WTF movie Remember Me, and Meghan has a small part in it, so that helps too.

If you are not all-in on team Harry and Meghan that's OK. However, I think I may be able to sway you over to the (correct) side with one simple tweet:

I melted a little when I saw that. Prince Harry holds Meghan's hand the same special way his mother, Princess Diana, held his. It's a small gesture of love between them that he learned from his late mom, and it's very sweet and endearing because his mom loved him, and he clearly loves his wife and this is a simple gesture to demonstrate that, and mimic the love he was shown by his mom. 😭😭 My heart swelled when I saw that, it was almost too much for me to handle. I want nothing but the best for these two, and I hope their life in Canada is as calm, peaceful, and serene as it can be when you're arguably the most famous couple on the planet.

Also, for the record, Harry and Meghan's handholding beats Brad Pitt's pining for Jennifer Aniston any day of the week for recent heart-catching celebrity moments.

So if this didn't sway your thinking about the Sussexes, I'm not totally sure what will, but hey--I'm going to leave you with her scene from Remember Me, because seriously, that movie was all kinds of WTF with an ending that came out of nowhere and was in no way earned, so why not?

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