Sub-Reddit r/OutOfTheLoop Has Answers To All Of Your ‘What Is Happening??’ Queries

September 11, 2019

There are so many things happening in the world we live in at such a high rate that it becomes impossible to keep up at some point. I don't know that we are better off knowing everything, but I do know that sometimes you just need a TL;DR for life. Enter the sub-Reddit r/OutOfTheLoop.

Its purpose is exactly what it sounds like: Redditors ask what is happening with 'x' and someone knowledgeable breaks it down in an almost "Explain Like I'm Five" way. You don't have to search through Twitter for the impetus of a hashtag or Google and read numerous stories about an event. You just ask and wait for the answer to present itself. Like so:

What's going on with the ADL allegedly blackmailing PDP and/or deleting the comments under his 100 million video? - u/zeeow


What's going on with the recent controversy surrounding Jerry Falwell Jr.? - u/celtmachine


Did you know LEGO porn exists? You do now.

What's up with r/TheLegoMovie getting banned? - u/TheJusticeAvenger


Finally, a question and answer for the ages:

What's up with old people liking Minions so much? - u/Erathresh


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