Ansel Elgort Wants To Be … Asexually Polyamorous?

September 30, 2019

Amal Clooney can wear anything she damn well pleases; I'm not going to criticize her fashion choices. That said, please please please tell me that this skirt length is not coming back into style. - (Celebitchy)

But this type of fashion I am fiiiine with criticizing and I won't miss it, mostly because their clothes are so cheaply made. Forever 21 (even though you're really THIRTY-FIVE now! - Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? I know, right?!) is filing for bankruptcy protection.- (Dlisted)

Did that make you feel old? Ok, how about this then? Look at adorable teenage Tom Holland and then watch Reese Witherspoon try to do a Tik-Tok (I'm pretty sure that's how the youths say it) with her son. - (Lainey)

The fact that Demi Moore is 56 and looks better than I ever looked in my 20s is making me feel a little old, too, but Demi Moore has always looked amazing and I've always enjoyed her performances, back to her General Hospital days as Jackie Templeton... ohmygod, I am so old. Demi's back, and Courtney thinks it's about time we give her the respect she deserves. - (SyFyWire)

Trump got #CivilWar trending and folks on Twitter were having fun joking about what they were bringing to the war (paper plates, Hawaiian punch, potato salad with NO raisins, etc.). Ava got serious for a minute and reminded us that there are real-world consequences to this Orange Squirtstain's words.

Baby Driver star Ansel Elgort tells UK's The Times that he's in love with his girlfriend, ballerina Violetta Komyshan, but that he also wants the option to fall in love with other women, but he's not interested in having sex with them. "I think we've been pretty clear that I want to feel free to fall in love with people and that [option] should be open, but sexually it can be closed off." What does that even mean? - (The Times)

Stacey Dash was arrested for domestic violence. The victim is her 4th husband. I have a lot I want to say about Republicans and "family values," but what difference does it even make anymore? - (Page 6)

This is a test: Look at the picture, don't scroll down, can you guess who it is? - (GFY)

The young girl from Virginia, who said she was held down and had her hair cut off by three white boys, has now admitted that she made up the story. I'm glad it didn't happen to her, because that's goddamn terrible! I'm sad that she made up such a horrible tale and implicated her classmates in her lie. - (The Root)

A crime scene tech realized that taking someone's bedsheets into evidence after a sexual assault may leave them without another set, so she started a program asking people to donate new sheet sets for survivors of sexual assault. - (Scary Mommy)

Roxana shared this in our Slack and like she said, it's "a tough-to-read but worthwhile piece about the literal costs of Me Too." - (The Cut)

Kayleigh shared this "Garth Brooks's Chris Gaines persona is one of country music's weirder stories. For the album's anniversary, Brooks talks about how his "ribs are still sore from getting the s*** kicked out of me for it." - (Yahoo)

Xoxoxoe became curious about the source material for one of her favorite old movies, 1944's The Uninvited. She was happy to find Dorothy Macardle's 1941 novel of the same name to be a great read. "The book is good at presenting how the average person might deal with a supernatural experience, and what it might really mean when you've sunk all your savings into a haunted house." Have you tracked down source material for a favorite movie? (Cannonball Read 11)

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