Meghan Markle visits memorial to murdered South African teen

September 28, 2019

Meghan Markle made a private visit to the memorial for a murdered South African student.

The Duchess of Sussex wrote a message in the Xhosa language on a ribbon that she pinned to a memorial at the post office where 19-year-old student Uyinene Mrwetyana was raped and murdered last month.

The message, posted to her Instagram account Saturday, said “Simi kunye kulesisimo” — meaning “We stand together in this moment” and was affixed by Markle to the makeshift memorial.

She also spoke to the mother of Mrwetyana to relay her and her husband Prince Harry’s condolences.

Mrwetyana’s murder sparked protests in Cape Town against violence against women. The demonstrations were closely watched by Markle and Prince Harry, according to a royal press statement.

“Visiting the site of this tragic death and being able to recognize Uyinene and all women and girls affected by GBV (gender-based violence)…was personally important to the Duchess,” said the Instagram post.

Markle and Prince Harry are traveling with their four-month-old infant Archie, on a ten-day royal tour of South Africa.

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