Perfect Casting Is Perfect: Ryan Reynolds To Star In The Clue Movie

September 26, 2019

Jodie Comer (yes!) in a revenge drama (double yes!!) alongside Matt Damon and Ben Affleck (wait, why?). (Variety)

Drew Magary lays down the chili law, and I'm sorry, but I will not allow dissent on this issue. (Deadspin)

Did you watch Unbelievable? You really ought to, if you can. Vulture talks about the real people in the story. (Vulture)

This 1998 interview with Jennifer Lopez is a treat. Is it bitchy? I mean, maybe? But it's refreshingly honest and what she says about The Goopster is perfectly accurate. (Celebitchy)

3 billion years ago Venus was habitable. Y'all think that's Earth's future? (Smithsonian Mag)

Kate and Wills went out today to name a boat and I need to know why people aren't more upset that the boat's name was changed from Boaty McBoatface. Democracy was subverted! SHAME! (Lainey Gossip)

This story made me so sad. Two white girls, aged 10 and 11, attacked a 10-year-old black girl. They're still babies! What monstrous parents they must have. (The Cut)

The Clue Movie starring Ryan Reynolds and directed by Jason Bateman? YES, PLEASE. (Dlisted)

Impeachment Shouldn't Be the Goal of Impeachment. (Very good article and point, but listen, I'll take impeachment too.) (The New Republic)

Really interesting read about the "problematic" shows we love: Why Hasn't Cancel Culture Come For It's Always Sunny? (Buzzfeed)

In the What Else Can We Throw At The Media To Shift Focus Away From Prince Andrew category today we have the engagement of Princess Beatrice. (GFY)

Sadly, CBD oil and I do not get along. But I bet there's a bunch of you here that love the stuff. This is an interesting read from a cannabis researcher. (TED Ideas)

I wish I could embed these cartoons because I'd post them more often, but alas, I cannot. Today's New Yorker cartoon is aces. (The New Yorker)

Attention podcast listeners: There is now an ad blocker for podcasts! Woohoo! (Motherboard)

Why Are Rich People So Mean? (Wired)

Counterpoint: Abigail Disney Has a Plan to Fix Capitalism. (T&C)

Who could imagine that a children's book about Vice President Mike Pence's gay bunny would be the #2 most challenged book in 2018? Jill Twiss, a staff writer for John Oliver's Last Week Tonight, wrote A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo as a parody and to challenge Pence's anti-LGBTQ positions. Someone gave badkittyuno‘s kids the book as a gift. "In addition to this being an Important Book, it's also a really well-done children's story." (Cannonball Read 11)


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