Lindsey Graham loudly blabs about whistleblower controversy on commercial flight

September 27, 2019

Sen. Lindsey Graham on Friday gave a commercial flight a private preview of his appearance on CBS’s “Face the Nation,” a source told Page Six, including calling the whistleblower controversy “Kavanaugh on steroids!”

We’re told that the South Carolina pol was on a JetBlue flight from Washington, DC, to Charleston and was chatting loudly with “Jared” — presumably White House adviser Jared Kushner — before takeoff.

It was a “full-blown, loud conversation” according to an airborne spy.

“His phone rang and he answered, ‘Hey, Jared!’ He was . . . saying he’s going to be on ‘Face the Nation’ on Sunday. He said, ‘Listen — this is what I’m going to lay out,’ ” we’re told.

Before he answered a flip phone, the Republican lawmaker was watching MSNBC.

Apparently discussing the controversial whistleblower complaint involving President Trump’s interactions with Ukraine and the Bidens, Graham was overheard uttering, “This is Kavanaugh on steroids! This is hearsay — and this person has bias.”

Our source related, “He was like, ‘We need to know why Hunter [Biden] was receiving $50K’ ” for being on the board of Ukrainian gas company Burisma. “He then said, ‘You can’t impeach someone on hearsay.’ He was laying out his story for Sunday.”

But the eavesdropper said of the conversation: “It clearly was not classified info. He was literally yelling this s - - t. He also said, ‘Don’t release anything until Sunday.’ He was the first off the plane and didn’t appear to have any bags.”

We reached out to a rep for the senator, who responded: “Why do you think he was talking to Jared? I was talking to him as well . . . Sounds quite familiar.”

Either way, we’ll all likely hear his comments on the matter in full on Sunday’s “Face the Nation.”

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