David Eason Finally Confesses: YES, I Murdered Jenelle's Dog!

September 10, 2019

By now, you probably know the story well.

Back in April, David Eason shot and killed Nugget, his wife's 11-pound French bulldog.

At the time, he claimed the dog was too dangerous to live and somehow presented a threat to the health and safety of his family.

Realizing this made no sense, he backpedalled on the story, and Jenelle told the public that the dog simply went missing.

Now, Eason is finally manning up and admitting to what he's done.

He thinks his confession will help his wife rebuild her reputation and hawk her cosmetics line.

We think his timing couldn't be worse.

Take a look:

1. The Monster and the Martyr

David with nugget
In a fit of rage, David beat little Nugget before shooting him at close range with a shotgun. The appalling act made Jenelle's pet an animal rights mascot.

2. A Brutal Scene

Jenelle evans and nugget
David did all of this while his children were at home, and the ensuing CPS investigation resulted in the Easons losing custody of the kids who were still permitted to live with them. (They had each lost custody of one child already.)

3. House of Lies

Ensley dog bite photo
David claimed that Nugget attacked and bit his daughter Ensley. However, the only evidence he was ever able to provide was this photo -- which shows no bite marks or damage.

4. Jenelle's Choice

Jenelle evans is sad
Evans briefly left Eason over the incident, but she quickly changed her mind and decided to stand by him -- even if it meant losing her kids.

5. Muddying the Waters

Jenelle is missing teeth
Nugget's body was never found by police, and Jenelle used this fact to try to obscure the facts of what really happened that night.

6. Nice Try

Jenelle and david throwback
She claimed she had no knowledge of what became of the dog and suggested that he had simply run away.
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