The Bachelor Spoilers: Here's How Peter Responds to Madison's No-Sex Ultimatum (And Who He Sends Home After Fantasy Suites)

February 24, 2020

Well, folks, we finally made it.

It's Fantasy Suite week on The Bachelor, but it seems not everyone is feeling the love as we head into the most intimate episode of the season.

If you've been following our Bachelor spoilers all season, you know there's some major turbulence ahead for Peter Weber.

Pilot Pete wasn't aware of it during last week's rose ceremony, but Madison Prewett is a virgin, and she's "saving herself" for marriage.

At the end of last week's episode, we saw Prewett taking Weber aside, and it was rumored that she issued Peter a "no-sex" ultimatum.

Basically, it was widely assumed that Madison pulled a Luke P. and informed Peter that if he sleeps with either of the other women, she'll be forced to "self-eliminate."

But according to a lengthy new tweet thread from spoiler-master Reality Steve Carbone, that's not quite the case.

And yes, this is the part where we warn you that spoilers lie ahead. Here goes:

"Madison doesn't specifically tell him she's a virgin," Steve reports.

"[She] says that if he were to sleep with someone else, it would be really hard for her to move forward in this. Peter says, 'So what are you saying?  If I were to spend the night w/ some1 else, this isn't something you could do?'" he continues.

"Madison responds with, 'In no way do I want to give you an ultimatum, but actions speak louder than words.' That's how it's left as they head to Australia."

Steve goes on to reveal that all three women live together in the same suite in Australia.

And naturally, in order to maximize the drama, Madison has her date last.

According to Carbone, Hannah Ann kicks things off, then it's Victoria's turn -- and yes, Peter sleeps with both women.

"While Victoria's date is happening, Madison tells Hannah Ann she'd have a real hard time if he slept with anyone else," Steve tweets.

"Hannah Ann in an ITM that she was really thrown off by what Madison said, they knew what they signed up for, and that's not fair to Peter."

"During Madison's date, Hannah Ann tells Victoria that Madison told her she's saving herself for marriage. Victoria is obviously annoyed by this, it doesn't sit well with her, and she too thinks that's not fair to Peter."

Steve says the women don't tell Madison that they both slept with Peter ... but they don't exactly hide it, either.

"Madison's dinner portion w/ Peter is where she tells him she's saving herself for marriage & she 'wouldn't be able to say yes to an engagement & move forward if you've slept w/ the other women.'" Carbone tweets.

"Peter says 'So you'd throw this all away if something happened w/ the other women?'" he continues.

"Madison says she doesn't want to ask bc she doesn't feel comfortable, but there's things she needs to know for herself. Peter then admits he doesn't want to give details, but he has been intimate with the other women," Steve adds.

Obviously, Madison doesn't take the news well, but despite reports to the contrary, she does not eliminate herself from the competition.

"This is hard on Madison and she gets up from the table," Steve writes.

"She doesn't storm off, she just excuses herself. Peter cries at the table, then walks after her," he continues.

"She cries on his shoulder and then the episode ends with them ultimately saying goodnight to each other.  So that's how Monday night's episode will end."

Despite that tense scene, Peter gives his two roses to Hannah Ann and Madison, and it's Victoria who's sent packing.

No great surprise there, considering the disaster that was Victoria's hometown date and the rumors about her "homewrecker" reputation in Virginia Beach.

Granted, he already gave Fuller one rose after being confronted by Merissa Pence, but Peter's lack of chemistry with Kelsey was the stuff of legend, so he didn't have much choice.

Steve goes on to give details from next week's "Women Tell All" episode, including the fact that Victoria is still denying that she slept with several of her friends' husbands.

Interestingly, Kelley was not invited to the annual reunion episode, which is strange, considering she placed fifth this season.

Steve concludes that "it means they didn't like her" and "pretty much kills any chance of her being the Bachelorette."

So who will be the next Bachelorette?

And more importantly, who will be the recipient of Peter's final rose?

Sadly, it seems we'll have to wait a couple weeks for those details, as the "Women Tell All" episode stands between us and the conclusion.

We gotta hand it to The Bachelor producers -- they really know how to draw things out.

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