Harvey lawyer: Weinstein is ‘unbelievably energized’ to ‘fight for justice’

February 26, 2020

It’s in a news organization’s DNA to pre-prep obits of VIPs. Especially if the celebrity’s aged, hospitalized, incapacitated, injured or fighting over alimony with a spouse who threatens “I swear I’ll kill you!” or did some other ratty thing.

Right now Harvey Weinstein needs newsprint attention even less than Spitting Bull Elizabeth Warren.

He’s lost his power. His standing. His business. His wife. He’s lost his future. He’s lost his freedom. He’s lost his health.

Facing another trial in California, facing years in prison, facing medical problems. In a hospital bed, a court officer outside the door, what’s the one thing a Harvey Weinstein would ask for now?

His Bible. It’s with him. And a rabbi. It’s being arranged.

Meanwhile, major newspapers — we are not speaking Hampton handouts — are calling around, stockpiling information relative to an obit. Mind, this is still in the wake of the sudden passing of Prince Andrew’s pal ­Epstein.

Harvey’s lawyer Arthur Aidala told me: “We left him at night after he was admitted. Yesterday morning, again with him at Bellevue hospital, I expected to see him distraught. He was unbelievably energized. Motivated to have his legal team fight for justice.

“‘I didn’t force myself on anybody,’ he said. He actually talked about the future. The appellate court. He was focused. He mentioned bail.

“Next step is an appeal, which could take another nine months to a year. He hasn’t hired an appellate team as yet. A trial lawyer will also have to be at his side to give color, explain the trial, know the transcript.

“In the midst of it all and including the chest pains, he was complimentary on how well the court officers treated him. He said they couldn’t have been nicer.”

Aidala described the scene around Harvey: “On lots of medications. We submitted all his prescriptions to the hospital, which, he said, had been given to him. Instead of Rikers he went right to Bellevue because of those pains.

“He’s in a large hospital room. Shower, sink, toilet. They took his walker away and gave him a wheelchair. He was given a heated meal and a table and chair for dinner.”

We’ve heard numbers like Weinstein’s pre-trial worth approximated at $100 million dollars. We’d heard guesses that, having sold his several properties, legal bills would so far top $10 million.

To that the lawyer had no comment. He said only: “His back is in bad shape. They’ve taken him to the infirmary for surveillance. We don’t know how long he’ll be hospitalized. Doctors will make that ­decision.

“For now he’s focused on the legal system. Many appellate issues exist from the beginning. For instance, we knew that Juror 11 was involved in a book, which could have tainted her verdict.

“In jury selection we did not want that juror. But we were out of refusal choices and the judge allowed her to stay.

“We were compelled to accept her because we’d run out of choices.”

Lawyer Aidala: “But this is only one of the appellate issues. There are many. There are dozens of issues.”

Lawyer joke. Two attorneys talking. One: “Soon as I realized it was a crooked deal, I got out of it.” Second lawyer: “How much?”

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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