John Mulaney Explains How He Got Jake Gyllenhaal to Play the Best TV Character of 2019

February 28, 2020

John Mulaney will be hosting Saturday Night Live tonight, and despite the fact that Pete Davidson is online clickbait this week, this post is not about their SNL promo together, where Pete Davidson pokes fun at himself:

I feel like the fact that I didn't include Davidson in the headline here is a real sign of maturity. I chose to draw you in with good content instead of empty Pete Davidson calories. To wit: Have you seen John Mulaney's Sack Lunch Bunch on Netflix? Because you should, whether you have children or not. It is a parody of the kind of children's television many of us grew up with that doubles for your children as the kind of children's television many of us grew up with. I loved it, but what I loved most was Jake Gyllenhaal's character, Mr. Music. It's seven minutes long. It's hysterical. And it's right here, available to watch in this post!:

Now that you have watched it, waved everyone else in your vicinity to come over and watch it again with you, and you are now more enamored with Jake Gyllenhaal than ever before, allow John Mulaney -- on The Tonight Show to promote his SNL appearance -- to explain why they got Gyllenhaal (Okja!) and how (he wanted to do it!). When you are done watching this, you will have earned the right to watch "Music Everywhere" above again.

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