Almost immediately after Kailyn Lowry revealed the gender of baby #4, she is already dropping hints about her future.
She's only just announced her fourth child, and she's already talking about a fifth one. Please, please be joking. ...
This is definitely one of those moments when you see someone's declaration on social media and your eyes pop like a cartoon.
So, on Monday, Kailyn revealed that she is expecting baby #4 to be a boy.
Kail already has three whole sons. Adding a fourth boy to the mix is going to be a lot.
But apparently, it may just be the incentive that Kail wants to start working on baby #5 as soon as physically possible.
"Was really hoping this one would be a girl," a fan expressed to Kailyn on Twitter this week.
The tweet continued: "Looks like a baby #5 may have to happen as well "
"Lmaooo," Kailyn replied.
She then assured the fan: "Starting 5 basketball team coming right up!"

For those of you not well versed in sports terminology, we looked it up.
Apparently, starting lineup in basketball involves five standard positions, referred to as a 2-1-2 lineup.
The idea of a woman of Kailyn's generation having enough children to be their own sports team is more than a little bonkers.
But hey, at least she'd finally have the daughter for whom she's been wishing for years, right?
Fortunately, Kailyn appears to be joking. At least, that's the tone of her reply to the fan's tweet.
But we've all seen Kail's jokes turn into reality before.
It wasn't so long ago that a guest star on her podcast -- a medium -- predicted that she would have another child.
As it turns out, Kailyn was already pregnant again but didn't realize it.
In fact, just last November, Kailyn spoke about how she has other priorities than reproduction these days.
"I always say that I would love to have more kids," Kail affirmed on The Domenick Nati Show.
She explained: "I just don’t think that [I will] right now.”
“I think that 2020 is for Kail to focus on Kail and kind of just get everything in order before I think about having any more kids," Kailyn reasoned.
Though Kail considered sticking to her plan, at the last minute she opted to have baby $4 after all. Her body, her choice.
Man parents (or eldest siblings, to be honest) may find the idea of adding a fourth child mind-boggling, especially when the other three are also young.
But you have to remember that Kail is not only an experienced mother -- she's also rich. Her estimated net worth is about $2 million.
Being rich doesn't automatically make parenting easy, but it sure helps.
It will be interesting to see how Kailyn balances adding a fourth child to the mix, especially since Chris doesn't appear interested in being involved.
We can't fault her for her taste in men. We've all made catastrophically poor relationship decisions, right? ... Right?
Instead, we'll just keep our fingers crossed that Kailyn vaccinates this child. Please.