June Shannon Bosses: If We Pay Her, She'll Spend the Money on Drugs!
Earlier this year, June Shannon was seen pawning a ring for petty cash. When the new season was announced, people wondered if it was all fake.
But we now know that June won't be paid for Mama June: Family Crisis. She can't be trusted with money in her current state.
TMZ reports that June Shannon will not see any money from WeTV for the new season.
Beginning in March, Mama June From Not To Hot: Family Crisis will air.
The season will cover June's family grappling with her downward spiral after she actively dismantled her life before everyone's eyes.
A recent promo for the series asks how they'll react upon June's return.

However, according to TMZ, June is not an "active participant" in the season.
In other words, viewers may not see much of her at all, though we can expect to see footage from June's appearances in court last year.
(We would not be surprised if WeTV got their hands on the neighbor's recording after Geno rammed into the house with the car)
We can also expect to see plenty of June's mugshot, if the teaser is any indication. And we're sure that there are hours of old, unseen footage.
June's family is breathing a sigh of relief at this.
According to TMZ's report, they are collectively relieved that June won't be raking in any dough over the season.
It's not that they gleefully want June to suffer in poverty like she did for most of her life, of course.
Rather, they know that in her current state, she's likely to spend the money on Geno -- and likely on drugs.
June Shannon will be a central figure in the season, just not by her own design.
One could think of it like a documentary on, say, an infamous serial killer. Interviews with family and family of victims, but not the perpetrator.
We'll see Alana living with Lauryn, who graciously took in her sister -- supporting her with a carefully accounted stipend from Alana's savings.
As we previously reported, after her arrest last year, attorneys quickly took action to bar June from being able to have any access to Alana's money.
So why is June in such a bad place that she falls a few hundred short on paying hotel bills and is pawning jewelry for less than it's likely worth?
Well, for on thing, struggles like addiction are rooted in trauma, and trauma doesn't magically go away when you get rich and lose weight.
But more specifically, June welcomed Geno Doak into her life with open arms.
What at first looked like a healthy relationship quickly revealed itself to be a toxic one after they were both arrested in possession of crack cocaine.
To her family's distress, June refused to seek any kind of rehab or help, even after a desperate intervention.
Why? Because she was adamantly opposed to staying overnight at any facility, no matter how nice.
It was Lauryn who sat down in front of the camera and bluntly explained that June was unwilling to leave Geno's side.
June is afraid that without her presence and her (remaining) money, Geno will leave her. In June's twisted mind, this would be a bad thing.
If you noticed that June shared the promo for Family Crisis on her Instagram, you may be wondering why she'd advertise a show that isn't paying her.
The answer is simple: TMZ reports that it was June's manager who uploaded that teaser.
In reality television, a surprising number of contracts require handing over social media login permissions to a social media manager or simply a producer.
The Kardashians and Real Housewives don't have to bother with that, but on the lower end of the reality TV scale, it's very common.
June and Geno held an "open house" of sorts in which they sold off all of the remaining furniture in June's once-nice, upper-middle-class home.
The former millionaire's house was described as messy despite being so empty, with eyewitnesses spotting syrringes and garbage in plain view.
The house, which had sustained damage in multiple places on its exterior, then sold for well below market value -- $100,000.
I'm no real estate expert, but in every place I've ever lived, that wouldn't be enough for a one-bedroom house these days, let alone for her family home.
We do have to wonder if June might somehow find a way to financially benefit from this new season, even without being paid.
Recently, Mama June claimed that she was "back on track" and managing herself better, accompanying the Instagram post with a glowing selfie.
Her family dismissed it as a lie, saying that June had posted an old selfie in the hopes that she can soon monetize her Instagram.
Will advertisers send her cash for Instagram endorsements? If they do, her family will no doubt worry that she'll spend it all on Geno -- and worse.