Bill O’Reilly talks ‘explosive’ next book, ‘Killing Crazy Horse’

February 24, 2020

You can’t keep a good man down — especially if he’s knocked off 15 best sellers. Comes again Bill O’Reilly.

His next, “Killing Crazy Horse,” details the brutal struggle of Native Americans during our nation’s birth. As sacred lands were encroached, the Sioux’s Sitting Bull assembled his tribes, Crazy Horse fiercely walked his battlefields and blood spilled for decades.

O’Reilly: “Shows don’t sell books anymore. Morning TV only gives you three-four minutes. I track where I go so I know what vehicles move books. This one’s explosive, and I know which vehicles sell and what sales develop after.”

OK — now to the election.

“Biden? Unless he self-destructs due to his son, he must pick Kamala. A woman of color on the ticket. Make a deal. She’ll know to go easy on his kid. Bernie? A sideshow. Dangerous. Socialists take all your stuff. I don’t see Middle America voting for a socialist. AOC? Two more years and she’s on “The View.” Photogenic, so she’ll shine in Congress.

“Barack and Michelle will both be at the convention.”

His last, “The United States of Trump” — plus, I’m told, each of his previous books — sold over 1 million copies. He once said that’s more than the Bible.

“Listen, the Bible was a lot of authors — not just one.”

“Killing Crazy Horse” reprises the bloody Battle of Tippecanoe. President James Madison ordering Tecumseh’s Shawnee tribes destroyed. Gen. Andrew Jackson battling the Creek Nation. President James Monroe’s “sea to shining sea” policy. President Martin Van Buren forcing the Cherokees from their homelands.

A wild ride through the American frontier — hold your horses — it’s out this spring.

Ceremony set on live tv

After 9/11, Vanessa Soto split The Bronx to serve in the National Guard. (That’s less shooting than in The Bronx?) Serving in Iraq, this Army vet then says: “We got mortared all the time.”

Home, finally, her dream — whoknowswhy? — was to marry fiancé Jason Brown live, on air, on TV, on “Fox & Friends.” So, with help from its producers plus a Morilee gown, they just got married. (That’s less warfare than in Iraq?)

If I hear anything about how they’re doing, I’ll let you know.

Cash for cops

I hear that $150,000 got raised at a charity poker-and-smoker night for law enforcement. Geraldo Rivera, Chris Hansen, Doc Gooden, John Starks all there for State Troopers Signal 30.

Signal 30, a trooper’s radio call for help, is for immediate assistance in an emergency. It also supports police families in extraordinary circumstances — death, injury, loss, scholarships for the children of troopers. All of the funds raised go to those in need.

Big apple pols

A New York millionaire businessman can change political enrollment, alter the rules, skip the primaries of his newly adopted party yet win that party’s nomination.

A lifetime ago, Wendell Willkie changed from Democrat to Republican and hit the convention without a single delegate. His opponent, Thomas E. Dewey, had a plurality of delegates. Willkie won the GOP nomination. In 1940, although FDR’s popularity was waning, he sought a third term on the Democratic ticket taking on Willkie. Roosevelt won by a landslide.

Bloomberg’s a New Yorker. Bernie was born a New Yorker. Could who knows — maybe — get beaten by longtime New Yorker Trump?

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.

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