
Of Course ‘Die Hard’ is a Christmas Movie. So is 'Die Hard 2'. Duh.

December 03, 2019

Every year the debate around Die Hard shocks me because there are some people out there who believe that Die Hard is not a Christmas movie (Jodi covered the reasons why Die Hard is a Christmas movie last year, perfectly, if you are looking for a definitive take.) Personally, I think no one needs that negativity in their lives, and you should cut them out ASAP when they start in on John McClane and Co.-- but it is Christmas after all, and if that Love, Actually dude taught me nothing, it's that Christmas is the time to make other people very uncomfortable with your feelings, which you express on huge notecards while their significant other is unaware in the next room.

Well, I'm going green this year, so no notecards for me, but I will still make you read my thoughts and feelings on the matter, while a song of my choice plays in the background. (I think you know which one I'll be picking...)

Here we go. Friends, it is my personal belief that basically all movies can be Christmas movies if you watch them enough at Christmastime. The only movies that will get a side-eye from me are ones that specifically take place during another holiday, such as Independence Day (the quintessential Fourth of July movie) or...well, honestly, that's about it. Independence Day is not a Christmas movie, everything else can be if you watch it at Christmas, on a regular basis.

Personally, I prefer my Christmas movies to take place at Christmas (thus, the first two Die Hards) or be over 2 hours and epic in scope. I tend to re-watch (the good) Star Wars about this time, as well as the extended editions of the Lord of the Rings trilogy on successive nights, and of course, the granddaddy of them all, my beloved Titanic (I swear to god if I hear one more person bitch about how there was room for Jack on the flotsam, I will lose my damn mind. Jack had to die because Titanic is also about time travel, written and directed by the guy who did Terminator, and as we all know, you can't travel back to the future and Jack was a man out of time. But that is a post for another time, but yes, obviously I am saying Titanic and Terminator take place in the same universe. Wake up and smell the time travel, people!)

What there is no room for is judgment toward what constitutes a Christmas movie, especially one that takes place at Christmas. Doubly so because crimes spike during Christmastime, thus, Die Hard is probably more true to life than It's A Wonderful Life (everyone knows angels tend to appear during the late spring when the weather is nicer. It's just a fact.)

So, the next time someone tries to raise the debate of what constitutes a Christmas movie during this holiday season, I suggest you use my tried and true method. No, I'm not telling you to pull this article up to prove to them a rando on the internet says anything is a Christmas movie. I have a better move for you--hit yourself like Marky Mark in Fear, which is my own personal go-to. Works like a charm, (most of) every time.


Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, y'all!

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