The Independent Filmmaker Gotham Awards. Cipriani Downtown. While the weather outside was frightful, the stars were so delightful … Shove the snowstorm. Everyone showed in custom-made evening gowns and handmade hairpieces.
First arrival, Will Ferrell. “Got to sit down. I can’t stop or stand or talk. I just pulled a muscle.” He then limped off.
Second arrival, Jim Gaffigan. In black suit and white sneakers. “Comedy today’s still OK, even if the landscape changes. Every era has debates. Larry King once asked, ‘Why you dirty?’ The someone should’ve replied, ‘Why you clean?’”
Jason Sudeikis. Now into producing. “Why? Because why not do something where you really get paid? Listen, some people have it, some not. Lorne Michaels said we’re let out into the big world to do things. So if he did it, why can’t I?”
Awkwafina: “I’m still scared. Whenever I’m doing anything, I’m scared. Even right now. I’m always looking at my own work. I watch myself. I go by other people’s reactions. If they’re laughing, then I’m laughing because only then do I know my stuff’s great.”
Greta Gerwig: “I’m only interested in Christmas Day. I’m only staying home to watch my numbers come in. I only want to see how many are going to see my movie ‘Little Women.’ I’m only having to worry about the weather.”
Danielle Desser of Frank PR pointed out Renee Elise Goldsberry, Tony winner for her role in “Hamilton.” Said Renee: “I know my gown’s gorgeous, but it’s borrowed. Also tight to die. It’s all OK until I have to go to the bathroom.”
Also in attendance at the affair
Adam Driver was nobody 10 minutes ago. Now, even if he weren’t 6-foot-2, he’s suddenly a big man. Also, either nervous, shy or unfriendly. He just took my hand like it was a nozzle on a gas pump, didn’t speak and disappeared.
Laura Dern: “My first screen test was ‘Foxes’ with Jodie Foster. I auditioned for a 17-year-old’s role. I lied to agents. I said, ‘I’m 14.’ This is still my main interest. Christmas, I’ll watch movies. I’ll see my new one ‘Little Women,’ which I’ve already seen twice.”
Jennifer Lopez showed without the ex-baseball escort, who was maybe trying out a new toilet. She brought her own personal army of security guards. No one else did that. Miss Lopez’s head balanced a huge fake hairpiece tiara. The thing was so large, it could’ve held her ex-husbands.
Olivia Wilde. Stunning in a loaned gown. Its open back reached to her metatarsal. Julia Stiles, who is filming Season 3 of “The Riviera” in France, was in borrowed Chopard jewelry.
The only creatures wearing their own things were the waiters.
Alfre Woodard: “All my awards are in rooms in my house. A California earthquake damaged three of my Emmys. A fourth was broken in the El Niño flood. They’re like my friends. Like my co-stars. They’re on the floor. A clean floor. Sometimes I sit on the floor with them.”
While Noah Baumbach slithered past, Willem Dafoe said: “Listen, I’m just trying to make a living, but I say if you don’t score as a kid, you luck out.”
And Adam Sandler threw out the quickie: “With all the razzes I’ve taken on ‘SNL’ about the president, who can believe my ‘Uncut Gems’ part has me nominated for an Independent Spirit Award.”
Natasha Lyonne: “My first acting job was ‘Heartburn.’ No lines. I was an extra. If you blinked, you missed me. So now who can believe my TV series ‘Russian Doll’ is an Emmy winner?”
Besides blessing actors, this Sunday 2 p.m. it’s ministers, rabbis and my Blessing of the Animals at Christ Church, 60th and Park. No reservations. Free to all. Bring your cats, dogs, gerbils, birds, turtles. Come early, it’s jammed.
Only in New York, kids, only in New York.