Derick Dillard Says He and Jill Aren't Allowed in Jim Bob's House

December 28, 2019

Derick Dillard may have just taken his feud with his in-laws to a brand new level.

And he just made Jim Bob and Michelle Duggar look pretty awful in the process.

Derick and Jill have not appeared on TLC since 19 Kids and Counting got canceled -- and, in a new Instagram exchange, the former reality star sort of explains why.

He goes into detail about some of the rules in place at his father-in-law's home, and how it has affected his relationship with the famous family's polarizing patriarch.

Meaning what, exactly? Scroll downto find out.

1. Let's Start with This:

Derick and jill on christmas
Derick, Jill and their kids did NOT spend Christmas with the latter's parents. They did their ownm separate thing instead.

2. What Did They Do?

What did they do
Just their own thing, like we said and like Derick said here when asked by a follower. Sounds like they were joined by some friends from abroad.

3. No Huge Shock Here

The dillards vs the duggars
As fans of this family must knoow by now, Derick and Jill really don't get along with Jim Bob and Michelle. It's scarcely even a secret at this point.

4. But This IS a Shock!

Jill duggar and derick dillard halloween 2019
In an extension of his Instagram comments, Derick delved into some troubling details. He actually said he and Jill aren't permitted inside of Jim Bob's house without explicit permission.

5. Derick Tried to Play It Cool at First

Derick tried to play it cool at first
Why didn't he and Jill attend the big Duggar holiday gathering? Simple, Dillard claims to a supporter, they aren't on 19 Kids and Counting any longer.

6. That Wasn't Really an Answer, Of Course

That wasnt really an answer of course
When more than one fan pointed out that 19 Kids and Counting was cancelled years ago, so what the heck is Derick talking about... he countered that it was “just renamed,” seemingly suggesting that Counting On is no different. “I guess if you want to get technical, it does have a different name now,” he then admitted.
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