How Are Brad and Jennifer Still a Story?

December 29, 2019

I love every single thing in this Celebrity Round-Up! I am dying over the little angel girl dancing, Zhuri James singing Beyoncé's "Brown Skin Girl" as she unwraps her brown skin Barbie doll on Christmas, MiMi wearing pajamas with her own face on them, and Lupita's luminosity! - (Lainey)

Publicity stunt for his new show Killing Zac Efron or terrible near consequence of the series? - (Dlisted)

SERIOUSLY, how is it nearly 2020 and Brad and Jennifer are still a story? How? Why? Do they share a publicist? - (Celebitchy)

Kevin Hart maybe gets where he went wrong with his old homophobic tweets and the Oscars gig. Or maybe he gets how he should have handled it but not why he was wrong? Hard to say. - (The Root)

Kristy shared this, "How did Peloton Husband strive to extend his 15 minutes of infamy? He used his real-life girlfriend as a prop." - (Twitter)

Roxana shared this, "a very interesting reading of Little Women I honestly hadn't considered before." - (New Yorker)

What did we get stuck in our rectums last year? - (Vice)

Sometimes you just need an EMERGENCY KITTEN!

Imagine being in a temp assistant job and fielding the phone call that Dave Chapelle just quit his own show and now you have to tell the network executives. Also, imagine that you're John Mulaney. Never mind. He can tell you about it himself. - (Deadline)

Whose year was 2019? Billy Porter's, darlings. Billy emmereffing Porter's! - (GFY)

On December 25th of this year, it was the 3rd anniversary of George Michael's death. Sadly, his sister passed away this year on that day. His poor family. - (EOnline)

Sadly, former professional League Of Legends player Maria "Remilia" Creveling died on the 27th - (Kotaku)

And if anyone cares, Don Imus also died. As far as I'm concerned, no big loss. - (Jezebel)

You may think I'm owned by Big Otter but I'm not (I would like to be, though, so if you know how to make that happen, please let me know!) I just love their adorable faces. Here are 30 pictures of their adorable baby faces. Enjoy! - (BP)

At the end of the year, we start thinking about how to make the next year better, and a lot of people consider weight loss. Sistercoyote and Halbs reviewed Caroline Dooner's The F*ck It Diet: Eating Should be Easy. "It's a recurring theme throughout the book, actually, that the soft animal carrying around our consciousnesses has requirements and that dieting (and other forms of restriction) is an utter failure to take care of that soft animal." Or as Halbs says, "you can't hate yourself into health." Are you trying to change something in your life in 2020? Reviewing books and fighting cancer would be a great healthy activity, and Cannonball Read 12 registration is now open. (Cannonball Read 11)

AND because it's too damn cute and I MUST include it, there are TWO We Rate Dogs entries today.

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