Chris Evans Gives The Gifts Of Cute Dogs In Sweaters

December 27, 2019

With the opening of Rian Johnson's Knives Out, Twitter went wild for (Best) Chris Evans in the signature sweater of Ransom Thrombey. With holiday shopping and hot men on the mind, many looked to score an off-white, wintry woolen for their own. But if you thought the end of Christmas and the upcoming close of Hannukah would bring an end to sweater fever, think again. Evans presented one single tweet that has us going gaga all over again. Naturally, it combined his love of good knitwear with his love of good dogs.

Thar adorable doggo is Dodger, Evans's pet, who is often featured in his Twitter pics. This shot of the fashionable pooch had Twitter giddy.

Dodger's sharp seasonal look also brought out cute pics of other pets in sweaters.

Truly, Evans' sweater is the gift that keeps on giving.

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