Trumpdates: Real Men (*Wheeze*) Catch COVID

October 06, 2020

Good morning. A couple of weeks ago, an 80-year-old man named Rocco Sapienza went to his regular bar in West Seneca, New York. While there, Sapienza noticed that another regular, Donald Lewinski, was not wearing a mask while he was taking buckets of beer outside to a band that was playing. Sapienza stood up and asked Lewinski to put on his mask, and Lewinski told the 80-year-old man to buzz off. He pushed Sapienza. Sapienza fell and hit his head.

After four days in a coma, Sapienza died. He died because another man didn't want to wear a mask and protect those around him.

This is the GOP mentality right now, even after their leader became infected with the Coronavirus, and even after he clearly came down with pneumonia.

That hasn't prompted the GOP to reevaluate their beliefs at all. In fact, it's only emboldened them, because if a billionaire with access to a helicopter and the best healthcare on the planet can (probably) survive the Coronavirus, then everyone else must be a p*ssy.

The 210,000 people who have died from COVID, so far, were all weak, according to Republicans, who are somehow now suggesting that only real men get (and survive) COVID. There will be Trump voters, to impress their leader, who will sacrifice themselves to the disease now, and hey! They probably won't die. Probably.

This guy? WEAK.

If I can do it, so can you, Trump seems to be saying while gasping for air. And his valets, his housekeepers, his butlers, and the scores of people who work in the White House -- many of them over 50 or otherwise in high-risk categories, and who do not have access to the same health care -- well, if they get it, they get it for AMERICA. And if they die, they die FOR AMERICA.

The one saving grace here is, at least according to the latest polls, that voters are not responding to Trump's authoritarian bullshit.

CNN released a poll this morning that showed Biden up by a whopping 16 points nationally.

Maybe it's a skewed poll, but it's consistent with a poll out of Florida that shows him with a 6 point lead and new polls that are beginning to show that Biden has taken a commanding lead among older people, the population that I guess Trump thinks is the weakest, cause they keep dying the most.

Meanwhile, 4 million people have already voted, and it looks like we may have record turnout this year. That can't be anything but good for Joe Biden, otherwise, Trump and the Republicans would not try so hard to suppress the vote (see, e.g., a South Carolina requirement -- upheld by their court yesterday -- that mail-in voters have a witness sign their ballot. In a pandemic).

There are 28 days until the election. It may not sound that long, but 28 days ago we were talking about the fact that Donald Trump told Bob Woodward that he knew the Coronavirus was bad, but that he downplayed it. It feels like a lifetime ago. It may feel like another lifetime before election night, too. But if you were one of the many people who thought that Hillary Clinton had it in the bag in 2016 and didn't bother to vote? Please don't do that again! We need every single vote.

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