
Tucker Carlson's October Surprise Got, uh, Lost in the Mail

October 29, 2020

Good morning! There are 5 days until election day, and from what I understand, we have just narrowly avoided the biggest October surprise in the history of October surprises. From what I understand, Tucker Carlson had information about Joe Biden that was so damning, it would blow the election wide open. Had this information been revealed, there would have been millions of people banging down their county clerks' offices and demanding that their votes be changed from Biden to Trump. The information was so explosive that Trump not only would have won the 2020 election but the 2024 and 2028 elections, too. The information was so devastating that it would have triggered an automatic change to the Constitution, allowing Presidents to run for multiple terms.

Tucker Carlson had the biggest bombshell of them all, folks. Unfortunately for Tucker Carlson -- AND AMERICA -- the cache of documents containing that devastating intelligence, uh, got lost in the mail.

The Satan-worshipping, baby-eating Radical ANTIFA leftists have infiltrated the mail service! They have murdered mail employees, drained them of their Adrenochrome, and replaced them with imposters specifically hired to go through Tucker Carlson's packages and ensure they never reach their destination! CALL OFF THE ELECTION.

Even Radical Socialist Joe Biden is just taunting Tucker. IT'S NOT FUNNY, ANTIFA.

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