
Big Brother Recap: Who Won All-Stars?

October 29, 2020

Big Brother's bumpy 22nd season concluded Wednesday with a finale that almost made up for recent episodes. 

We picked up in the aftermath of Nicole winning the first part of the final head of household, and it all came down to Cody and Enzo to compete in the second part. 

While finales are typically packed with filler, it seems even the producers wanted this season to be over because the competition kicked off early. 

It was a convoluted competition, but it involved answering mental questions with a physical component stepping in when it came to answering. 

Cody has been winning these types of competitions all season long, so him winning part two was just par for the course at this stage. 

The shocker, however, was that Cody won with a time of five minutes while Enzo was way up at 37. 

Enzo immediately melted down, telling Nicole and Cody that they can go to Final 2 because they have been good competitors. 

The outburst came from nowhere, but it gave Nicole and Cody some food for thought as they weighed up their options at the end of the game. 

They were both unsure about who would benefit them the most at the end of the game. 

A jury check-in revealed what we all expected:

Everyone thought Cody played the best game overall, but there was some positivity for Nicole and Enzo. 

As a former winner, Nicole making it to the end would have been a good excuse for not making the big moves Cody did. 

Enzo got some good comments, but everyone felt like it would all come down to his strategy. 

A conversation between Nicole and Cody confirmed Cody was thinking of clipping Nicole should he win the final competition. 

The final part of the HOH kicked off, and Cody took an immediate lead in the competition, and emerged with the win. 

In the end, Cody cut Nicole ahead of the final vote, and she stormed out of the house, demanded to speak to a producer to get back into the house. 

We're kidding, mostly. Nicole left the game in tears because she thought Cody would take her to the end. 

The Jury of nine unanimously voted to crown Cody the winner, with the only other unanimous vote in finale history coming during Big Brother 10. 

Julie then revealed that America's Favorite Houseguest was Da'Vonne, which is unsurprising when you think about it. 

That's another season of Big Brother in the can. 

Did the right person win?

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