
Olga Koshimbetova: I Dumped Steven But I'm Still Getting My Green Card!

October 30, 2020

Earlier this month, Steven Frend revealed that he and Olga Koshimbetova are not together but are co-parenting amicably.

Olga has been more private, but is now celebrating great news -- she remains on track to get her green card.

"We have a small update!" Olga Koshimbetova announced recently on Instagram.

Addressing fans, she wrote: "We finally received a letter with a date for my interview for my green card."

Olga detailed that her interview will take place "at the end of November."

Olga Koshimbetova IG green card interview announcement

"We have been waiting this letter 166 days," Olga noted.

"For a past few days I felt so much alive," she expressed.

Olga shared: "I started dreaming again, making plans."

Steven Frend and Olga Koshimbetova

"I was also working on my photoshop skills," Olga informed her followers.

She added: "I would say I saw a 'light at the end of the tunnel,' finally things started moving and changing."

Olga concluded her cheerful caption with: "Mood 10/10."

Right now, when most of us think of the plight of immigrants in the US, we think of Trump's internment camps, family separation policy, and caged children.

But the horrors faced by asylum-seekers are not the only obstacles that those seeking legal residency may face.

Even visa-holders who are able to be treated with human dignity feel that their lives are in limbo. Do they make plans and settle down if it could all be uprooted in a few months?

Olga Koshimbetova IG Story - visa finally april

We've seen struggles with continued legal residency from stars like Mohamed Jbali and Larissa Lima.

Similarly, we've seen stars unable to get their K-1 visas -- like Azan Tefou (whose real name is Hassan M'Raouni) and Michael Ilesanmi.

We have also seen people like Juliana Custodio struggle with the process before ultimately obtaining legal residency and getting her happily ever after.

With Olga's Green Card interview imminent, we have to say that there may be cause for concern.

Did she marry Steven Frend? Yes. Is she the mother of an American child? Yes.

But she and Steven are, as of their most recent updates, not "together."

Steven Frend IG Olga Koshimbetova breakup reveal 10 Oct 2020

Recently, Steven Frend took to Instagram to reveal that they are "better at being co-parents to our boy."

Citing that there were many things about their relationship that never made it onto the show, he says that they are "civil."

It does sound like they are genuinely amicable ... but that doesn't mean that Olga is thrilled that he has told everyone.

Olga Koshimbetova IG replies to relationship status (Russian)

Olga also acknowledged, in a Russian comment, that she and Steven are not together.

While Steven chose to elaborate a little further, Olga said that she did not wish to comment much at this time.

Some believed that she might have been shading Steven a little for sharing so much about something so personal.

Olga Koshimbetova IG replies to relationship status (translation)

Some fans are now speculating that Olga may have been annoyed with Steven, as their split news could impact her green card application.

Sadly, green cards -- like marital visas and K-1 visas -- are "freebie citizenship passes" that every American gets to hand out.

They are intended for spouses (and future spouses) only, and investigators take a hard look at couples seeking them ... especially under the current administration.

There are, of course, multiple paths to legal residency, and one needn't remain married indefinitely to live in the US.

In fact, many are speculating that this news means that Steven is continuing to help Olga with her documentation and application process.

Paperwork -- especially on Olga's behalf -- has infamously not been Steven's strong suit. It's good to see growth in this area, and we wish Olga the best of luck.

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