Trumpdates: He Is Crazy, and He's a Little Unwell

October 05, 2020

Monday, October 5th, 9 a.m. -- Good morning. If you have checked the President's Twitter today, it looks like this:

I have read that, included among the side effects of the steroids that Trump is taking is hyperactivity. Also agitation. It might also explain why the President ignored medical protocols and endangered the lives of his Secret Service agents (who will have to quarantine now) to go on a brief joyride around Walter Reed Hospital yesterday.

For those who blissfully avoided social media and the news this weekend, a brief recap: Donald Trump was admitted to the hospital on Friday night "out of an abundance of caution," even though we later learned that he had a very high fever and that his oxygen levels dropped twice. His doctor has been cagey with the truth, which he has since admitted, saying basically that he didn't want to panic the President, who believes -- I guess -- that a positive attitude will defeat a virus (or as my friend Hillary calls it for the benefit of my children, "Patitude)."

Nevertheless, the President has been on some serious drugs, beginning what appears to be last Thursday, when he took an experimental antibody treatment in the hopes that it would rid him of symptoms, so that he could continue acting as normal despite having the virus. In fact, had Jennifer Jacobs at Bloomberg not revealed that Hope Hicks had tested positive, who knows how long Trump and the 25 people in Trump's orbit might have kept this a secret (remember, we still don't know why Trump was in Walter Reed last year). Thank god for Jennifer Jacobs, and also Claudia Conway, who revealed that her mother, Kellyanne Conway, was infected (before revealing that she, too, had it, thanks to her mom. THANKS MOM).

There have also been a number of reality show stunts over the weekend, including a few videos that Trump -- looking pale and not that great -- has put out to show he is healthy, as well as the joyride around Walter Reed for the benefits of TENS of Trump supporters. But, you know, as Trump has said, "He's learned a lot about COVID."

Meanwhile, the Republican party is trying to put lipstick on a pile of shit here by arguing that Trump is Mr. Tough Guy and, by virtue of putting his Secret Service agents in danger, he's better suited to the Presidency than Joe Biden.

Remarkably, the GOP was mocking Joe Biden for not holding political events yesterday while also demanding that Joe Biden suspend his campaign until Trump gets out of the hospital and also demanding that we postpone the election until Trump is better. Joe Biden did suspend negative ads, but the Trump campaign obviously has not afforded Biden the same respect.

Anyway, there is some suggestion that Trump may leave the hospital today, although all the medical professionals say that is insane because he's on steroids (which is for severe cases) and the most uncertain period is Day 7-10. If Trump left the hospital and had to return tomorrow, what would that do to his tough-guy image? Would the GOP characterize a return trip to Walter Reed as, "Trump has done more traveling than Joe Biden has today!"

Anyway, the media is still both sidesing this thing, cause the media gonna media:

(*Sorry for the headline. I couldn't help myself.)

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