Robert Downey Jr. Is Trying to Launch a Sherlock Holmes Cinematic Universe Now

October 05, 2020

Robert Downey Jr. wants to somehow launch a Sherlock Holmes cinematic universe à la Marvel. Your guess is as good as mine. (IndieWire)

Remember when Tom Cruise tried to get people to funnel into movie theaters to see Tenet because Scientology doesn't believe the virus is real? I sure do. (Lainey Gossip)

Skeet Ulrich accused his ex-girlfriend of being a prostitute. Classy. (Dlisted)

Kanye West followed the lead of his fake bronze idol and walked around Malibu without a mask on. Cool cool. (Celebitchy)

Breonna Taylor's family calls for the Kentucky governor to ditch Daniel Cameron and appoint a new special prosecutor to her case. (The Root)

The photos from the premiere of Good Will Hunting are so late 90s. (Go Fug Yourself)

Nicole brought the love for Fat Bear Week: "This is just weirdly satisfying. Team Chunk fo' life!" (Explore)

Mike Pence actually opposed placing a Plexiglass divider between himself and Kamala Harris during the VP debate. Motherf*cker, how are you the head of the coronavirus response team?! (Politico)

This very long profile of Ina Garten is a nice reprieve from our reality. (The Cut)

From Roxana: A really solid read for all animation fans: Over at Vulture, an extensive list of the 100 sequences that changed the medium. (Vulture)

Cannon Book Club's discussion of Emily St John Mandel's The Glass Hotel is 11 days away! In interviews, the author has stated the book is a "ghost story at the intersection of two events." There's still time to read this intriguing and layered book. You don't have to be registered with Cannonball Read to participate. Won't you join them on October 16 and 17? (Cannonball Read 12)

I've been a bit sparse with the adorable animal content, so I hope this makes up for it.

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