Kim Kardashian Sounds Like She Really Might Divorce Kanye West

October 05, 2020

Forget anonymous sources for a moment.

Who knows how reliable they can be or if they even exist, right?

Late last week, however, Kim Kardashian herself gave fans a reason to think her marriage to Kanye West might be nearing its end, following weeks and weeks' worth of similar speculation.

"A year from now, everything you’re stressing about won’t mean a thing," Kim relayed via Instagram, passing along a quote that certainly seems pertinent to her ongoing situation.

"Be thankful, smile more, spend more time with family and don’t stress the small things," she added.

"This is our one chance at life. Don’t let anyone or anything take away your happiness."

Pretty much impossible not to analyze these words and the meaning/intention behind them, you know?

cryptic kim quote

Since around the middle point of this summer, Kanye has been campaigning for President by ranting and raving his way through speeches and social media posts.

He first raised a billion eyebrows when he admitted on stage that he wanted to abort his daughter, North, after Kim told him she was pregnant many years ago.

Following this revelation, the artist claimed on Twitter that he had been trying to divorce the mother of his four children -- and also that Kris Jenner was a white supremacist.

Both personal and truly insane stuff.

Kim responded by issuing a lengthy statement that asked people to have "compassion" for her husband's bipolar disorder.

It basically admitted Kanye was suffering a mental breakdown.

She hasn't said a lot about their relationship since, but numerous reports have come out about Kardashian considering a divorce from Kanye.

Kim has the whole divorce planned out, but she’s waiting for him to get through his latest episode," an insider told Page Six, for example, in September.

This brings us back to the Instagram Stories quote above.

A year from now, everything you’re stressing about won’t mean a thing.

Might Kim be stressing about her romance and reminding herself that making a clean split would be painful now... but pay dividends down the line when Kanye is out of her life for good?

Be thankful, smile more, spend more time with family and don’t stress the small things. This is our one chance at life.

Kardashian may be telling herself here that she doesn't get a do-over.

Life moves too quickly and she needs to make the most of it and, let's face it, does that include being the wife to an unstable narcissist?

Don’t let anyone or anything take away your happiness.

This concluding line doesn't even need an explanation, does it? How many content spouses would write such a thing?

Kardashian, meanwhile, dropped this gigantiic hint in the wake of close pal Jonathan Cheban appearing on The Wendy Williams Show -- and using the past tense to describe Kim and Kanye's relationship.

It is what it is. They were good. He's Kanye, the guy is a genius," Cheban told the host.

"Geniuses go through things all the time. His brain is on 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I could never be able to think and go like he does. It's overwhelming.

"There's got to be a certain point where things go AWOL and then you get back."

Perhaps. Perhaps that's how a genius works and acts.

But think about it:

Would you want to be married to this kind of person?

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