
Big Brother Recap: The Houseguests Scramble Ahead of the Triple Eviction!

October 01, 2020

It's almost time to say goodbye to three houseguests. 

Yep, this terrible season might actually get good. 

Before the unprecedented elimination, we had another ho-hum installment that made me wonder why this tone-deaf season was still on the air. 

Kevin, who has been on the block almost every week, opened up to David about not fitting in because he's biracial. 

It was a nice change of pace from all the backstabbing, and because, let's face it, Kevin is likely headed for the jury house during the triple eviction. 

Kevin has struggled to make connections with those in power, which presented an obstacle he couldn't overcome from the start of the season. 

Once Kevin is out of the house, the Committee will have to take shots at each other, which probably explains why Nicole is starting to line her ducks. 

Dani has been a wildcard and tends to overplay the game, so it was about time Nicole turned her back on her. 

Christmas wanted to target Dani and Nicole in a double eviction, and Nicole telling Christmas that Dani was trying to get her out of the game was the ammunition she needed to make the shot. 

But will Christmas extend the olive branch to Nicole after telling her the truth? Don't bet on it. 

Christmas is closely aligned with Memphis and Tyler, so that means Nicole would come after them in the hierarchy of an alliance. 

When it came to the Veto, Tyler, Enzo, Nicole, Cody, David, and Kevin played. 

David, who was on the block, decided to go for the money instead, and won $10,000. It rubbed the other houseguests the wrong way. 

Enzo had already agreed to help David, but he felt like he couldn't help him if he wanted to dunk his game for some cash. 

In the aftermath of the competition, which Cody won, everyone wondered what game David was playing. 

Surely you would want to save yourself from the block as opposed to winning $10k, right?

But maybe David figured that he would be a target the next week, which makes sense given that he has no allies in the house. 

In the end, Cody kept the nominations the same, but the fractures in the majority alliance are starting to show. 

It seems like the perfect time to inject some drama into the house. 

Big Brother continues with a two-hour installment Thursday at 8/7c. 

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