90 Day Fiance Happily Ever After Tell All: Colt Johnson Loves to F--k!

October 05, 2020

It's Part 2 of the 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? Season 5 Tell All special!

Things start right away with Asuelu and Kalani's ongoing problems -- and conflict with Tammy, who wants to fight everyone.

Colt admits that he's a liar, but still insists that there were some lines that he never crossed.

Vanessa is there, Jess is there, and Larissa is there as he rambles about his love, his regrets, and yells that he "loves to f--k."

Tania and Syngin are still struggling even though he is now gainfully employed.

Part of the problem is his drinking, thought that doesn't stop Angela from openly flirting with him through the camera.

Finally, Angela and MIchael discuss their sex life ... until Aunt Lydia makes Angela so angry that she sends her camera spinning.

1. Kalani Faagata and Asuelu Pulaa

Asuelu pulaa to mom lesinia i wish you hadnt said that
A tearful Asuelu tells his mother, Lesina, that he wishes that she had not said the things that she said to Kalani. It wasn't just that she was rude and hurtful to his wife, though that was part of it. She said that she didn't care about his children. She said that she wanted him to divorce Kalani.

2. Tammy calls him out

Tammy pulaa vs kalani faagata at the tell all part 2
Asuelu's sister Tammy tells him that he has no right to ... ask his mother to be nice. Tammy loves telling other people what to do but finds anyone else speaking up to be out of bounds.

3. Angela and Debbie chime in

Tammy pulaa vs angela deem and debbie johnson
The planets aligned and I agree with Angela and Debbie as they back up Kalani and Asuelu against Tammy. Tammy then threatens to fight them both. Debbie is amused by this because of the absurdity. Angela is fully prepared to absolutely demolish Tammy if the need arises.

4. Tammy threatens Kolini

Tammy pulaa will fight kolini faagata too
Kalani's sister-in-law threatens Asuelu's sister-in-law with violence. This is so strange. Tammy has some real issues to work through.

5. Even her mom thinks that it goes too far

Lesina pulaa okay tammy thats enough
Lesina calls out Tammy and gets her to back down for a while.

6. But how is the marriage?

Kalani faagata basically everything that im still feeling
Kalani admits that they have a lot to work on, saying that she continues to feel the way that everyone has felt.
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