
Jill Duggar: Will She Have More Kids? (And Why Does She Wear Pants?!?)

September 26, 2020

Jill Duggar recently opened up about a number of personal topics.

Specifically, as outlined in the specific title of her latest joint YouTube video with husband Derick Dillard?

The former reality star discussed babies... pants... her nose ring... tattoos ... and her faith.

Indeedd, buckle up, readesr, Jill has A LOT to say!

The mother of two has seemingly been estranged from her controlling parents for several months now, as her husband continues to lob grenades in the directiion of Jim Bob Duggar.

Jill has appeared to have join her husband's revolution, even drinking alcohol during a date night this month as a giant eff-you to her mom and dad.

Perhaps the biggest middle finger Jill has extended toward her family, however?

The hints she's given about being done having kids.

Is this really true, though? Are Jill and Derick really honna stop having children at just two, sons Samuel and Israel?

"We would love more kids if God chooses to give us more. And secondly, how many? I don't know. I don't know that we have a number. Probably not 20 kids," says Jill in this video, sort of taking a shot at her parents.

The couple is open to an adoption.

"We're not going to rule anything out. If God has us run an orphanage or something, then maybe we'd have more than that! I don't know," explains Jill.

"So we'll see.

"Derick's mom was adopted, so adoption's always had like a place in our heart — a special place in our heart. But we'll see. We're not saying no, never or anything yet."

Interesting, right?

Elsewhere, Jill has been rebelling against her conservative loved ones by making herself over a bit.

We're talking a nose piercing! A hair cut! And, yes, even wearing pants and/or revealing swimsuits!

"I kind of always thought they were cute, nose piercings," Jill said of this surprising accessory.

"But I think that some of the decisions that we've made, like, I probably, even if I liked something before, maybe wouldn't have done it because of maybe some of the backlash that I would get or something from people close to me or something.

"I hate confrontation, so maybe I would have avoided it."

What's changed?

"I think just growing as a person too and growing closer together as a couple is helpful," she said.

"So when Derick told me he was cool with me getting my nose pierced whenever I was talking about it with him one day, I was like, 'Really, you like it?'

"He was like, 'Yeah, I think it's cool.' Then we decided that that was cool."

Jill acknowledeges that her "faith plays a huge part" in her decision-making process, but:

"Even some things I believe would be wrong across the board, other things are more optional preference things."

Not being cast members on Counting On has  also helped the couple make their own choices. They feel a lot more free these days.

When it came to the decision to wear pants? An actual major decision that Duggar children must make... or not make?

Jill said that she and Derick "had talked about it.

"For me growing up, I always wore a skirt or a dress or whatever, but that was something that like as we were growing as a couple and kind of like, like the Bible says 'leave and cleave,' and kind of reevaluating things too.

"It definitely was not like a reactionary thing."

In another impressive break from her siblings, Jill admits she goes to therapy.

It's been "really helpful" for her and her husband, she says, adding:

"We haven't changed who we are as people. ... As Christians, we want to have the Bible to be our standard.

"But I think like just growing as people and the whole 'leave and cleave' thing, which I know we've talked about before, has been helpful."

No matter their choices in life, the couple's "ultimate goal is still to glorify God in our actions, in everything that we do," said Jill.

She didn't come right out and say she's feuding with her mother and father or anything.

However, it's evident at this point that Jill Duggar is her own woman.

"Are they supportive? Not always," she says of her famous parents.

"Everybody's going to have their opinion about different things. I feel like some of my siblings are probably more like have something to say about it than others.

"Some of them are more like, 'Hey, I'm happy for whatever y'all are deciding. I'm just glad that y'all are making decisions together as a couple.' ...

"Not all of them are cool with it, but some of them are more cool with it than others."

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