
Khloe Kardashian Gets Caught In ANOTHER Photoshop Scandal: She Looks Like Beyonce Now!

September 30, 2020

Celebrities touch up their social media photos (or pay someone to do so) on a daily basis.

So the fact that people are still talking about Khloe Kardashian's epic Photoshop fail from back in May should tell you how bad it was.

Fans claimed they literally didn't even recognize Khloe in the pic above.

Others pointed out that she retouched the photo so heavily that she made half of her necklace disappear.

You'd think Khloe would learn an important lesson after being so roundly roasted for trying to turn herself into something she's not.

But it doesn't appear that she did.

In the months that followed, Khloe continued to change her look up repeatedly.

Last month, we had pics where Khloe looked like Kourtney Kardashian.

Prior to that, Khloe looked like Kylie Jenner for a single day.

Now, in what might be her most impressive feat to date, Khloe appears to have tranformed herself into Beyonce.

Yes, believe it or not, this is what Khloe Kardashian looks like in 2020:

Or perhaps we should say it's what she looks like in late September of 2020, as her appearance is sure to change again soon.

And maybe we should say it's what she wants fans to think she looks like in September of 2020, because while Khloe has had a fair amount of work done, this pic has also been heavily retouched.

The photo is an ad for Ipsy, a makeup subscription service that's also Khloe's latest "brand partner."

We're hoping the image was accompanied by some pretty thorough "your results may vary" fine print.

For obvious reasons, fans had a field day with Khloe's latest transformation.

Most of the commentary had to do with Khloe's unerring resemblance to Beyonce.


And yeah, there's really no denying that Khloe bears more than a passing resemblance to the music icon.

So we guess if you had "Khloe Kardashian abruptly turns into Beyonce" on your 2020 bingo card, this is your lucky day!

Others roasted Khloe in a broader sense, likening her to the shape-shifting Jaqen H'ghar in Game of Thrones.

Khloe-Beyonce 2

Obviously, transforming into Beyonce is everyone's greatest dream -- but not like this.

All joking aside, all of these recent transformations have lots of fans concerned about Khloe's mental state.

Khloe is back with Tristan Thompson these days, and you would think that being in a committed relationship would have her feeling more confident than ever about her looks.

But Tristan is the same guy who repeatedly cheated on Khloe, often with much younger women.

Are all of these changes part of a desperate attempt to keep him interested this time?

We may never know for sure, but the situation is another reminder that stars sometimes suffer the same crises of self-esteem as the rest of us.

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