New season.
Same old problems for Matt Roloff and Amy Roloff?
While a majority of the previous Little People, Big World season centered around Matt and Amy arguing over the future of the farm, and whether or not the latter would sell some of her property to the former, we've now seen a clip from the premiere of Season 21 and...
... not much has changed.
In the clip featured here (which premiered on Access Hollywood), Matt seems completely exasperated by Amy.
The two are very close to an agreement in which Amy does, indeed, sell a portion of her land to her ex-husband, a move we know she made toward the end of 2019.
However, the deal wasn't completed at the time this scene was filmed and Matt is irritated by how Amy is dragging her feet.
In his opinion, at least.
Quoting am email his former spouse recently wrote, Matt says it reads as if Amy is saying she's interested in selling the land, but not the business and "to me," he explains. "They're inseparable."
Not true, Amy counters.
She said Matt's letter to her on the subject read like he was demanding a yes or no response from Amy and "I wasn't preparer to accept the value of the assets or the business until I looked into it."
IIn other words? She needed to conduct some research prior to making such a monumental financial and life decision.
Again, as we know now, Amy did sell and did move into a new home.
Just a few weeks ago, she actually sold off even more of the farm and may have given Matt total control over the business they built together for over 20 years.
But Season 21 was shot many months ago and the ex-spouses had trouble at the time seeing eye-to-eye on where things were going between them -- both personally and professionally.
"I thought it super generous," Matt says here of his offer. "I was a little offended you didn't see the wisdom in that approach."
Amy then says she was offended by Matt, too, as the pair hit an impasse.
"This reinforces why Amy and I didn't work together," Matt even says in a confessional, pointing to the ways in which Amy really has to think about everything and he wants to move more quickly.
The parents of four split back iin 2015, but have continued to work on the farm together and continued to star on Little People, Big World together.
For how much longer, however?
TLC will premiere new episodes this Tuesday, September 29 with a premiere titled "To Sell or Not to Sell."
The network has teased this upcoming season as the "end of an era," causing some fans to be worried that it may go off the air in just a few weeks.
Let's not get ahead of ourselves with that concern, however.
Let's just watch this clip and get excited for what's on tap, okay?!?