
Sacha Baron Cohen capitalizes on debate with fake ‘Borat’ Trump endorsement

September 29, 2020

Sacha Baron Cohen used the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden on Tuesday night to seemingly drum up buzz for his expected “Borat” sequel by releasing a fake Trump endorsement from Kazakhstan.

It was reported earlier in the day that Amazon had bought the new “Borat” film.

Baron Cohen has in the past stolen the spotlight at events from the Cannes Film Festival to the MTV Movie Awards to promote his films in character. This time, he released a video on a Twitter feed purporting to be the Republic of Kazakhstan. The clip also included a logo for the fictional group, Kazakhs Against Foreign Meddling.

The trailer posted to Twitter proclaims, “Vote for Trump or you will be crushed.” It also calls Trump the “strongest premier in history,” and makes fun of the president’s stands on the coronavirus pandemic, Black Live Matter, #MeToo and other hot-button topics.

But the clip says as a disclaimer, “This ad may contain false information.” Baron Cohen has been a vocal Trump opponent in Hollywood.

Deadline reported earlier on Tuesday that Amazon Prime acquired the sequel to the 2006 hit, “Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan,” and that the new mockumentary with Cohen as Borat will debut next month. The hush-hush sequel was apparently the first movie made during the COVID-19 shutdown.

A modern day Hollywood PT Barnum, Baron Cohen is expected to come up with some further wild stunts to promote his latest film, insiders told us.

Page Six previously reported that one subject Cohen couldn’t trick for the new “Borat” film was Rudy Giuliani — who called the cops on the star after he showed up to an interview in a pink bikini. Giuliani later told us: “I only later realized it must have been Sacha Baron Cohen. I thought about all the people he previously fooled and I felt good about myself because he didn’t get me.”

Baron Cohen reportedly fled the swanky Mark Hotel before cops arrived.

After Baron Cohen posted his clip on Tuesday, it was getting retweeted by Amy Schumer, Ed Helms and others.

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