
Open Thread: The First 2020 Presidential Debate

September 29, 2020

Welcome to the discussion post for the first Presidential Debate, which begins tonight at 9 EST. I mostly wish this debate wasn't happening, because Joe Biden has nothing to gain from it, and every minute we spend with Donald Trump is exhausting. I do not look forward to the sh*t that Donald Trump throws at the wall. I am also honestly very anxious as to how Joe Biden will respond to Trump's shenanigans.

Honestly, it almost seems like the debate itself matters very little, because what idiot doesn't already know who they are going to vote already? Ultimately, all that matters is the narrative that the media tries to create from the debate, and even that only matters in terms of the next two or three new cycles, before all of this will be forgotten and subsumed by another Trump news scandal. Remember when Trump was impeached? Because, believe it or not, that was this year.

I am not going to live-blog the debate myself tonight because I am going to be working on what narrative we decide to spin tomorrow morning, but I will join you all in the comments. I suspect it's going to be a shitshow.

(As always, we replace images of Donald Trump with Kate Beckinsale for aesthetic and superstitious reasons.)

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