
The Rock Endorses Joe Biden and Kamala Harris

September 27, 2020

Given our current hellscape is the result of a reality TV star at the wheel, I'm more hesitant than I used to be when it comes to the mixing of celebrities and politics. That said, there's no way in hell The Rock endorsing Biden doesn't move the needle. Trump tripped the Electoral College vote by inches in 2016, so every little bit counts. However, I'm sure Left Twitter will have a lot to say about The Rock specifically calling himself a "centrist," but if there's one thing this election has taught us, it's that Twitter is nothing. A fart in the wind. (Instagram)

Demi Lovato and some dude called off their engagement. (Lainey Gossip)

In the opposite direction of The Rock, Dennis Quaid and Garth Brooks will reportedly take part in an ad supporting Trump's coronavirus response. The one thing he botched the most. (Dlisted)

Sterling K. Brown gets it when it comes to masks. (Celebitchy)

To the surprise of no one, it appears witnesses changed their stories during the Breonna Taylor investigation. (The Root)

A crazy woman broke into Joe Montana's house and tried to steal his infant granddaughter yesterday. I'm talking this lady scooped the kid out of a playpen, and Montana had to physically pry the baby from her arms. Jesus. (TMZ)

Roxana would like to direct your attention to these Alexander Skarsgard photos, and it might not be a bad idea to double up on your birth control before looking at these. (Tom & Lorenzo)

And she also recommended this: "Sangeeta Singh-Kurtz's profile of Desus Nice for The Cut is a very enjoyable slice of life." (The Cut)

The puppet-masters behind Trump's Supreme Court pick. (Daily Beast)

If I haven't mentioned it before, I love Bossip headlines more than my own children, and this Tomi Lahren one is a goddamn work of art. (Bossip)

Back when Malin played the first CBR Book Bingo Reading Challenge in 2018, she won a signed copy of Kate Racculia's mystery, Bellweather Rhapsody, and recently caught up to it on her TBR list. "There are strong personalities both among the teenage and adult cast, there are mysterious disappearances, there are unreliable narrators, strange coincidences, and unexpected connections between individuals who initially seem to have nothing whatsoever to do with one another." What's your favorite thing you've won? (Cannonball Read 12)

Why did none of you tell me that Blaire Erskine made a Kaitlin Bennet video? I thought we were friends!

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