Jason Momoa Releases New Statement Supporting Ray Fisher and My Man Sounds Pissed

September 14, 2020

In a new Instagram post on Monday, Jason Momoa voiced even stronger support for Ray Fisher and does not mince words putting Warner Bros. on blast for the "serious stuff" that went down during the Justice League reshoots. He also says the announcement that he's voicing Frosty the Snowman in a new movie was fake and a distraction from the investigation. Damn. (Instagram)

In The Way I See It, Pete Souza reminds us of a president who worked to honor the office he held, not dismantle it. (Lainey Gossip)

Britney Spears' dad wants to keep her conservatorship case sealed for her own good. While that sounds shady as hell, there is a point to be made that Britney doesn't have the capacity to understand what sensitive medical information could be released. It's all very messy. (Dlisted)

Katie Holmes' new boyfriend is/was apparently still living with his fiancee, so it's nice to finally see have her a normal human relationship. (Celebitchy)

Roxana wrote about the 20th anniversary of Almost Famous, the movie that made her want to be a writer. (Crooked Marquee)

The New York Times has delivered a scathing report on how Glenn Greenwald and The Intercept absolutely burnt Reality Winner through ideological hubris and sheer incompetence. (NY Times)

From Kayleigh: For no reason whatsoever, let's remember this HuffPo piece from January that recommends SFF books for trans kids and teens. (HuffPost)

Alexander Vindman on how Trump is Putin's useful idiot: "In the Army, we call this 'free chicken,' something you don't have to work for--it just comes to you. This is what the Russians have in Trump: free chicken." (The Atlantic)

Today, we all learned that there are forced hysterectomies reportedly happening in ICE facilities, so you can imagine how excited I was to see yet another article where young people bitch about how they're not excited about Joe Biden. God... goddammit. (Jezebel)

On the flip side of that, I almost entirely agree with Josh Marshall's assessment on the chilling effect of Peter Thiel blowing up Gawker, but also raised a huge eyebrow at Nick Denton sitting on a pile of Russian oligarch cash. WTF? (TPM)

Like a genius, Jacob Wohl staged a fake FBI raid this morning. So let's hope to God he's now in a world of shit for a very long time. (The Daily Beast)

One of the joys of Cannonball Read is getting recommendations from other Cannonballers. AndtheIToldYouSos told blauracke about historian and podcaster Mike Duncan's The Storm Before The Storm. "There are a few easily identifiable and only too familiar ailments that plagued Rome in the middle of the 2nd century BC, namely a rising economic inequality, boundless corruption, and horrendous abuse of power." Have you listened to either of Duncan's podcasts The History of Rome or Revolutions? (Cannonball Read 12)

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