Big Brother Recap: Will a Secret Power Derail Dani's Nominations?

September 14, 2020

With Bayleigh out of the house, all eyes were on Da'Vonne to see if she could pivot to carve out an alliance with some of the other houseguests. 

At the top of Sunday's new episode, Da'Vonne revealed that she had patched up her relationship with Christmas and that they were in a good place ... for now. 

While Da'vonne had a friendly smile for Christmas, she revealed to the audience that she was acting and would be taking Christmas out of the game quickly. 

Before we could get to the scheming, we had the latest Head of Household competition -- the wall -- and the results were a bit surprising. 

Feedsters wondered why Da'Vonne dropped after just 12 minutes, and it seems it was all strategy. She revealed to the audience that she wanted people to think she was weak. 

What her former houseguests seem to be forgetting is that she's an acting coach, so she knows how to put on excellent performances. 

Her tears looked real, and that could prove to be a bad thing for some of the alliances.

Dani admitted that she did not want Tyler to win the HOH competition, so she held on until he fell off the wall. 

It came down to her, Cody, and Nicole, and while Dani wanted to let one of the others win, Nicole and Cody dropped before she got a chance to. 

So, Dani became the latest head of household, signaling that a big change in the house could be on the way. 

She's been trying to play nice with Tyler, despite telling people she wanted him out. 

Cody, who has kept Dani safe for weeks, said that she absolutely had to put Kevin and David on the block. 

Because nothing ever goes the way the HOH wants on Big Brother, Dani tried to find a way to protect Kevin, mostly because she felt like he would never target her. 

David, on the other hand, didn't care about the prospect of being nominated, but he did care about having to feast on slop for the week. 

Da'Vonne picked up on this, and with David threatening to use the power in the Diary Room, it means Dani is going to get a lot of blood on her hands. 

Nicole worried about targeting Tyler so soon. She explained to audiences that she and Dani have been shielded for so long, and that it would be a bad call to take people close to them out so soon. 

However, it's clear that it's time to turn on each other. The numbers are dwindling by the week, and Dani already told Da'Vonne to relax because she was safe for the week. 

At the nominations ceremony, Dani put up both Kevin and David on the block and made it clear that she did not want to nominate, but it is a part of the game. 

Big Brother continues Tuesday at 8/7c.

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