
Big Brother Recap: Tiger Zing Roasts the All-Stars!

September 24, 2020

With Memphis in power, everyone was bullied into following his rule. 

Manipulation is par for the course on Big Brother, but something about the way The Committee thinks they have a right to power is downright bizarre. 

Memphis nominated Da'Vonne and Kevin, but maintained to them that he would save one of them and put David up in their place. 

It all came down to the Veto, which Memphis warned Tyler, Nicole, and Dani to throw to him or one of the nominees. 

Kevin and Da'Vonne picking Nicole and Dani was silly because it actually destroyed what little power the two women had in the game. 

Tyler and Memphis picked up on it and worried that Nicole and Dani had a side deal to make it further into the game. 

What was silly, though, is the way they thought it was bad to have side deals because, let's face it, this is Big Brother. 

Blech. These houseguests are no All-Stars and they know it. 

Not a single member of The Committee agreed to the plan Memphis created, but with him in power, there was not much they could do. 

The competition for the Veto was called "Tiger Zing," and was obviously a spin on the Netflix series. 

The Zingbot returned and tasked the players with finding his tigers and putting them in their cages with the aim of finishing first.  

The times:

Kevin – 5:33

Memphis – 3:29

Dani – 3:41

Nicole – 4:22

Da’Vonne – 6:53

Tyler – 2:55

Tyler won the POV, much to the chagrin of Memphis. It was also obvious Nicole and Dani did not throw the competition. 

In the aftermath, Tyler worked Memphis, telling him that Nicole and Dani are working with the other side of the house. 

Memphis has wanted David out for weeks, but he realized that there was more going on than he understood. 

Cody, who previously got told by Zingbot that his IQ was 10, did not want David thrown out of the house. 

Like most have said, David is a lone wolf, while Da'Vonne and Kevin are working together and have deals with Dani and Nicole. 

Da'Vonne recognized her game was over, so she tried to imply that an all-male alliance was dominating the game in her speech. 

Tyler opted to leave Da'Vonne and Kevin on the block, but both of them might still manage to stay in the house. 

The live feeds were down for almost 20 hours ahead of Wednesday's episode, and with the neighbor twist set to invade the game on Thursday, it's possible the evicted houseguest could move into the house next door. 

What do you think of all the action?

Hit the comments below. 

Big Brother continues Thursday at 8/7c.

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