Let's Dunk On Mark Zuckerberg and His Scary White Face

July 20, 2020

There are few people on this planet who are as fun to dunk on as Facebook's Mark Zuckerberg. What's not to love? He's a crooked billionaire whose invention has actively made our planet worse and destroyed any semblance of democracy we were clinging to, and he doesn't even have the decency to be fun-evil. His endless attempts to seem more normal and down with the locals only inspire further cringe. The Social Network almost made him seem too interesting.

Zuckerberg is currently surfing in Hawaii because f**k this pandemic, right? I'm not one to mock people's dedication to keeping their skin in tip-top condition -- it's the largest organ we have and basic upkeep is just common sense -- but this is Mark Zuckerberg we're talking about. Everything is fair game, and his, well... let's say vigorous use of sunscreen inspired more than a few laughs.

OK, yes, I get it. He's surfing. Water is hugely reflective of the sun. Surfers tend to lather on the sunscreen because it's deceptively easy to burn while on the water. But still. IT'S MARK ZUCKERBERG. And, of course, the internet had a ball.

Only Mark Zuckerberg could have an arse that good and have people still think he's the absolute worst.

On a more serious note, it's worth remembering that Zuckerberg tried to sue various native Hawaiians on the island of Kauai so that he could buy up a huge portion of the land to build a new estate for himself. So, on top of being a generally evil creep, he's a colonizing jerk too!

Seriously, f**k Mark Zuckerberg. And invest in good sunscreen.

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