The Real Housewives of New Jersey: What's COVID? We're Ready to Film!

July 29, 2020

The Real Housewives of New Jersey are getting back to work.

According to TMZ insiders, Bravo is taking the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic into consideration for Season 11 of this franchise...

... but not to the point where the show won't go on.

The aforementioned celebrity gossip website reports that producers and cast members will soon resume production on the program, following in the filming footsteps of The Real Housewives of Atlanta and Orange County.

Both those series are also preparing to shoot new episodes in the near future.

All three reality shows pulled the plugs on their previous seasons in March as a result of the novel coronavirus.

nj wives

As for what viewers can expect from The Real Housewives of New Jersey Season 11?

The same old, same old, this same report outlines.

By which we mean the following:

It will be all Teresa Giudice all the time.

Last season, of course, centered entirely around Teresa's failing marriage to estranged husband Joe, who had just gotten out of prison and then gotten deported for breaking federal law.

Viewers watched as the parents of four struggled to make their relationship work under such challenging circumstances.

As these same viewers very likely know by now, Teresa and Joe did NOT make their relationship work in the end.

The former spouses are in the middle of divorce proceedings.

Fans can expect Season 11 to also focus heavily on the dynamics between Joe and Teresa, specifically how they're trying to co-parent despite the separation.

And despite the fact that Joe now lives in Italy.

Look for plenty of FaceTime calls with Joe to be included on Season 11, while Joe may even get his own camera crew flown out to Italy.

This latter possibility has not yet been confirmed, however.

The stars are on strong terms at the moment... to such an extent that Joe is openly thirsting after Teresa on social media.

The two are actually expected to see each other this fall, but not for any romantic reason. Not by a long shot.

Teresa is allegedly set to fly to the Bahamas to see Joe take part in a celebrity boxing match, which is a factual sentence we never expected to write.

But, hey, the world is a crazy place these days, as Joe really is expected to strap on a pair of gloves and get in the ring with Ojani Noa in the Caribbean country on October 24.

As for filming protocol?

None of The Real Housewives of New Jersey will be required to wear masks.

They will have their temperature taken daily, however, while they'll be encouraged to remain six feet apart and most scenes will be shot outside.

Bravo has not yet announced a premiere date.

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