Celebrated a Noted Author’s Birthday By Donating to These Trans Charities!

July 31, 2020

It's you-know-who's birthday today. You know, that author of those books you like who now seems to spend all her time on social media spreading lies about trans people. Does that ring a bell? You know, the one who seems determined to single-handedly destroy her immense legacy by smearing a marginalized community and acting as an authority on an issue she understands less than nothing about? She's the one who's really big on claiming that cancel culture is censoring her. OK, that doesn't narrow it down, but I'm sure you know who I'm talking about. Anyway, it's obviously a momentous occasion and I thought there was no better way to celebrate this than by giving a shout-out to the work of some incredibly important trans and non-binary charities. So, if you've got some cash in your pocket that you would usually spend on a New York Times best-selling series but want to do something to aggravate terrible people, then I have compiled a list of some incredible causes you should donate to now. Make sure to share your own favorite charities and causes in the comments below. Spread the love and read amazing authors who aren't rampantly transphobic. Hey, I even have a list for that!


Mermaids is one of the most notable British charities dedicated to providing support and services for trans and non-binary kids and their families. They've faced a lot of abuse from figures such as noted transphobe Graham Linehan, who tried to have them stripped of some National Lottery funding until Donkey Kong saved the day. Mermaids supports gender-diverse children and young people until their 20th birthday, as well as their families and professionals involved in their care.

Gendered Intelligence

Established in 2008, Gendered Intelligence is a trans-led charity working across the UK to increase understandings of gender identity through activities for young trans people, educational sessions and mentoring, outreach, and much more. Their current campaign, Bodily Autonomy for Every Body (BÆB), is focused on ensuring that the fundamental right to control over one's own body is not diluted through regressive government legislation or the rabid transphobia that has dishearteningly permeated British media. The charity also do lots of work for trans people isolated by COVID-19.

Marsha P. Johnson Institute

Founded in honor of one of the true icons of LGBTQ+ history, the Marsha P. Johnson Institute is committed to defending and protecting the rights of Black trans peoeple through organizing, education, and liberation. Led by Black trans people, the group offers artist fellowships and support for community organizing.

Sylvia Rivera Law Project

Opened in honor of another key figure of LGBTQ+ history, the Sylvia Rivera Law Project offers legal help and services for gender diverse people, including help with name and ID changes, immigration, housing, and more. They also campaign against for-profit prisons and are currently one of the leading voices in #NoNewJailsNYC.


As noted on their website, G.L.I.T.S. 'approach the health and rights crises faced by transgender sex workers holistically using harm reduction, human rights principles, economic and social justice, along with a commitment to empowerment and pride in finding solutions from our own community.' Most recently, they put down a deposit on a 12 unit housing building that will allow them to create a permanent housing block, along with support, for Black trans people in New York City. They are also working towards raising money for the damily of Merci Mack, a Black trans woman who was murdered this month.

National Center for Transgender Equality

For the past seventeen years, the National Center for Transgender Equality has fought for policy change in America as well as the continued legal and political protection of trans people. They offer advice on knowing your rights as a trans person, whether you're going through airport security, seeking healthcare, or are a survivor of violence.

Black Trans Femmes in the Arts Collective

BTFA is a collective of Black trans femmes dedicated to making space for themselves and their work in the arts and beyond. Jordyn Jay founded the group because she wanted to create a space to celebrate Black trans joy!

The Okra Project

The Okra Project is a collective that seeks to address the global crisis faced by Black Trans people by bringing home cooked, healthy, and culturally specific meals and resources to Black Trans People far and wide. The project pays Black trans chefs to go to the homes of Black trans people and cook them delicious meals at no cost to them. They have also established an International Grocery Fund to send small grants to those in need of food for whatever purposes.

Black Trans Travel Fund

The Black Trans Travel Fund is a grassroots form of aid dedicated to providing Black trans women with the financial resources to make their own travel options, a decision that is crucial for many at-risk individuals. Trans people face shockingly high rates of abuse, harassment, and violence on public transport, as well as on the streets.

BGD Press

BGD Press publishes books by queer and trans writers of color, including novels and essay collections, that center QTPoC lives and experiences. They also run Get Free, a week-long program for queer and trans youth of color that focuses on empowerment, harm reduction, and creativity.

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