L’Oreal allegedly seeks personal medical info from workers seeking COVID accommodations

July 28, 2020

Beauty giant L’Oréal is taking heat for allegedly asking employees who’d like accommodations during the COVID-19 pandemic to cough up their personal medical info.

According to photos posted on the Estée Laundry Instagram account, employees have been sent a form to authorize the release of “information regarding any physical or mental limitation(s)” that may affect their ability to “safely perform work,” during the pandemic.

It allows any “physician, health care provider, hospital or medical facility to consult with L’Oréal” to see if “accommodations are required.” Another letter said that the info is managed by a third party and will be handled by two employees that are “trained to manage highly confidential” medical info.

Estée Laundry has been tracking companies’ re-entry policies.

Reps from L’Oréal did not respond for comment.

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