90 Day Fiance The Other Way Recap: Deavan Clegg Should Go Back to America!

July 28, 2020

The emotionally charged 90 Day Fiance: The Other Way continued last night with Season 2, Episode 9.

Deavan and Jihoon meet up to talk things out, but some things get lost in translation ... including Jihoon's temper.

Kenneth and Armando struggle over PDA. Kenneth has had a lifetime of being out in a homophobic world. Armando has not.

Yazan takes Brittany to see his uncle, hoping that he can make peace with Yazan's parents.

Ariela's mom inspects the hospital, but she has some real questions for Biniyam.

And Tim's arrival in Columbia to see Melyza is complicated by the baggage that his cheating has added to their relationship.

Let's break it all down!

1. Deavan Clegg and Jihoon Lee

Deavan clegg in an open market in s korea
Last week, Deavan took a break while Jihoon wept in front of his parents. Now Deavan, who moved into a hotel with her two kids and with her mother, Elicia, is trying to show her mom that moving to South Korea is not a mistake. Together, they visit an open air market. It very much like a farmer's market, but there is a lot of seafood . . . and some of it is alive.

2. Drascilla is having the best time

Drascilla clegg enjoys the fish
Some kids who like seeing the live fish would shriek and cry when they see fish beheaded and wrapped up for sale. Not Drascilla. Just over 3 years old, she is fascinated by the whole process.

3. Things don't go quite as planned

Deavan clegg shops with mom elicia
Deavan's efforts to show her mom all that South Korea has to offer (which is quite a lot!) run awry as she encounters some hiccups in her attempts to order things. She can communicate well enough to order and she can translate with her device, but it doesn't help when there is a written menu and no pictures.

4. Deavan talks things out with mom

Deavan clegg holds baby taeyang
She explains that she understands Jihoon's reason for lying -- that he wanted her to move there sooner -- and she's going to figure out what needs to happen next.

5. Elicia offers her two cents

Elicia clegg suggests returning home
She tells Deavan that, if it were her call, they'd be back on a plane for Salt Lake City that day. Though Deavan and Jihoon clearly love each other, love doesn't pay the bills, and you need trust if you're going to have a relationship.

6. As for Jihoon ...

Jihoon lee i couldnt bear to face her its really bad
He is still emotionally recovering from his guilt and the rejection that followed explaining his lies.
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