Jess Caroline and Debbie FEUD Over Colt Johnson: You Want Him For Yourself!

July 29, 2020

This week's 90 Day Fiance: Happily Ever After? showed Colt and Debbie dining with Jess and her family. It was fine ... after Debbie left.

Now, Jess and Debbie are swiping at each other on social media. Jess has a lot more to say, and she's not the only one accusing him of cheating.

This week's show and especially the previews for next week showed that Debbie was deliberately trying to sabotage Colt Johnson and Jess Carline.

"Watching the show yesterday," Jess then reflected in her Instagram Stories, "I see how people were playing nice in front of me."

She added: "but did everything they could to try to sabotage my relationship behind my back.”

Jess Caroline - I think Debbie likes to fight

“Thank God my family only made me proud this entire time," Jess praised.

Her family conducted themselves very well, asking some questions but giving their approval -- they wanted Jess to be happy.

"They opened the door of their house, they made [traditional] foods and drinks, they gave gifts, they were very nice," she noted.

Jess Caroline parents on Debbie - she wants her son for herself

"However," Jess lamented, "they still were bad mouth by people."

By people, we think that it is pretty clear that she is mostly referring to Debbie.

Jess wrote that these were people "who have no idea what family values and family love are."

Jess Caroline - you're baby man

Jess quickly dropped the vagueness and subtlety.

"Mommy was too worried about her son getting another Brazilian ‘to use’ him," Jess mocked.

She continued: "or the history repeats itself," referring to Debbie's anxiety that Jess was Larissa 2.0.

Jess Caroline - no you compare me and Larissa

"But," Jess noted, "she forgot to teach him not to cheat again."

Colt had a huge cheating scandal late in his marriage to Larissa. And Jess isn't even the latest woman to accuse him of cheating.

Jess admonished that Debbie should have taught Colt to not "manipulate and not to lie again."

Jess Caroline - I believe Larissa

"Instead," Jess accused, "she was covering his lies and cheating scam this whole time."

“If I knew the truth," she wrote, "I would never introduce them to my family."

Larissa did try to warn her ... but we can understand how a phone call from an ex might not feel real.

Jess Caroline IG Story softly slamming Debbie Johnson

"There once was an evil villain,” Debbie wrote in her own, very strange post to Instagram.

She added: “This red headed vixen set her eyes on her [prey]."

"She tracked him down," Debbie narrated, "knowing how vulnerable he was." This was the part where I started laughing, by the way.

Debbie Johnson - I don't want him proposing yet

"Her sexuality was very powerful," Debbie seemed to praise, portraying Jess as an irresistible succubus. "Her eyes remained on the prize."

Debbie continued: "Her dream could come true, but only if mommy stepped aside."

The bizarre story concluded: "Will her dream come true she asks herself, my visa, my visa, my k-1 visa."

Debbie Johnson IG post slamming Jess Caroline

That in and of itself is bonkers enough, right?

But like we said, Colt's drama with Jess -- which has led to her accusing him of playing mind games and using revenge porn -- is not the end of it.

On Tuesday, July 29, the incomparable 90 Day Fiance blogger John Yates took to Instagram to release some stunning news.

Colt Johnson and NEW ex-girlfriend, via John Yates IG

"Colt the ladies man part 500. Everyone meet beautiful Julissa," Yates announced on Instagram.

His caption explained: "She’s the personal trainer who’s voice you heard on the self quarantined special."

Yates detailed that it was Julissa "who gave Colt free training every day via Facetime as she was living in Mexico and was helping him get into better shape."

"Colt wound up flying to Mexico for a few days in February and a relationship blossomed."

This relationship blossomed "so much so that at one point Colt asked her mom what her ring size was."

"Which I’m guessing was for a possible proposal," Yates speculates. We would tend to agree, right?

"Well needless to say the relationship ended," Yates revealed.

It ended, he details, "as Colt had to come clean with Julissa as he cheated on her with Vanessa."

Vanessa was also a factor in Colt's relationship with Jess. Yates shared that it was the revelation of this betrayal "which left her brokenhearted and depressed.

"One shocking development," John Yates noted in conclusion, "is that it looks like Debbie actually approved of this one."

Amazing to think that Debbie would actually approve of any of Colt's girlfriends.

We wonder how many cheating incidents it will take before Debbie realizes the kind of man her son is. We won't hold our breath.

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